Over this past week I took a look at every DPS specs tree, the amount of talent nodes they had, and the quantity of nodes that required more than 1 point investment. The results somewhat shocked me—SV and BM are very egregious outliers when it comes to both quantity of talent nodes and nodes that require more than one point.
TL;WR: The Hunter spec talent trees need some TLC compared to other DPS trees in future content patches for Dragonflight.
I believe this information really shows that the specs (and general Hunter tree) needs a Paladin tier refresh in a future content patch for Dragonflight to be more consistent with other DPS specs, strengthen Hunter identity, and give players more options for both expressing themselves in talent trees and making our class even more fun to play.
The information is below, grouped by melee DPS and ranged DPS. This information was pulled from 10.1 PTR talent trees. An * by a spec name means the spec received a significant talent rework within the last patch. (Retribution, Devastation, and Shadow).
As you can see, Survival has both the fewest number of talent nodes available to the spec compared to all other melee DPS as well as the MOST amount of talent nodes that cost more than 2 or more points to fully invest in.
The quick and dirty math shows that a whopping 39% of our tree is nodes that take more than 1 point to fully invest in, which drastically reduces the amount of talents available to the spec.
Compare that to Retribution Paladins which quite frankly have a hilarious talent tree break down. They only have two talent nodes in the entire tree that cost more than 1 point.
Not only is our talent tree set up in this very (frankly, odd) restrictive way, Survival also has a tremendous amount of talent nodes that are simple passive abilities.
This is eight of our nodes that are simply purely passive bonuses to our damage. I understand that not every talent needs four layers of daisy chained synergy or to be an active node (quite the opposite! I love a good simple talent) but 8 entirely passive nodes with no procs or interactions of an already restrictive class tree is not exciting to play with, theorycraft, or even think about, especially when compared to other melee DPS specs.
On top of that, several of these entirely passive “do more damage” nodes also buff the same abilities and end up being redundant. Another point of contention here is that many of these nodes simply gate other passive nodes—not many exist to act as a gate to more exciting talents (active or exciting passives).
Even in it’s short era (BfA and onwards) Survival has a wealth of previous Azerite traits, Legendaries, or even tier sets from Legion that could be brought forward and added to the tree. Many of these two point talent nodes can be reduced to even 1 talent point total—much like the precedence set with Devastation recently.