I’m not obligated to stay in a group any longer than I want or need to be. They are not obligated to stay with me either. After they change how the debuff works, people still will not be obligated to stay.
If I want to leave I am going to leave and I’ll simply blow time another way if a debuff needs to be cleared.
I help people by my choice. Not on Blizzard or anyone else’s terms.
The more you try to force people to do something, the more likely you are to get pushback even from people that would have normally done that thing WITHOUT YOUR PRODDING in the first place.
If anything the timer should be increased (and made to be account wide)
I imagine I have been kicked from a dungeon before at some point, I’d imagine ~everyone has been at some point. that being said, it has happened SO rarely that I cannot recall the last time it happened or why.
If you’re constantly getting removed from dungeons, that’s a you problem
I will gladly continue to vote kick tanks who are pulling 2 mobs at a time, taking zero damage from them, with the mobs dying pretty well instantly, and making the run needlessly take 10x longer than it needs to.
During EA when I was leveling I dced for a mere 10 sec, just enough time to reconnect and login and they had already kicked me, was quite funny watching em over pull and die as my boot timer was ticking.
That is a non issue. You are talking about reportable offenses. If they do what you are alluding to, you just report them and blizzard should ban them for griefing. Even really they will either get the memo or get perma from all consecutive bans. The deserter debuff on kick is just unnecessary bordering in unacceptable.
you leave, there is no loot. And if you received something, it disappears from your profile or backpack.
you are kicked, you enter the queue first. Nobody plays badly because they want to, except someone with a mental health condition and in that case it is a very minimal percentage.
The cat has 4 legs, you cannot look for a 5th leg because haven’t it.
They put too much thought into something very simple to solve.
I understand that there is no way to judge if you were kicked from a group for “no reason”. There are legit arguments for this not being fair in some cases. I just got kicked from a group for simply asking for a mana break as a healer.
So, you’re one of those.
I bet that if the tank pulls 3 mobs instead, and then everyone dies because the healer couldn’t handle it, you’ll yell in chat to tell him to stop pulling so much and vote to kick him as well, right?
There is no circumstances whatsoever where pulling 3 mobs in a heroic is going to result in a wipe unless you take 5 people who’ve literally never touched the video game before.