Remove deserter debuff for people who get kicked from dungeons

As it stands now, a group can vote-kick someone for no reason and that person will receive a deserter debuff.

This should be changed so that you do not receive a deserter debuff if you are vote-kicked from a dungeon.

It is just really unfair for people that were vote-kicked with no reason



And did some streamer mention this recently or something, because the amount of threads on the topic is getting silly.


The problem is in determining if the reason was valid or invalid.

With the upcoming change to the deserter debuff being added for leaving even after a boss, people will just kill that one boss, then troll until they get kicked.


Double the deserter debuff for people who get kicked from dungeons, they deserve it.


Doubtful. Probably just Cata Classic players trying retail. This is like their favorite thing to complain about cause so many get kicked regularly because of…reasons.


There is always a reason— you just may not agree with it.

Absolutely not. We had that once and ended up with people holding groups hostage until they were kicked because they didn’t like the dungeon they got or they didn’t want to go past a certain boss.

The entire reason the debuff exists for kicking is because of degenerate behavior.

No, it’s because Blizz is implementing a change in the debuff if you leave after the first boss. Longer debuff timer now. Because of degenerate behavior.


I say send us to a training session for the length of the Debuff so we can learn to get good.


There’s always a reason, just because you think it’s not valid doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason.


It was put in place since if people could skip the debuff by being kicked, they’d be obnoxious or do nothing to force you to kick them.

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Blizzard is giving the debuff for people who leave groups early. I am willing to bet people that want to leave early will just do things to get kicked from the group. If they remove the debuff from people that are kicked from group they will be able to keep queuing up and farming for gear, getting kicked without fear of ever getting the debuff.

I hope that makes sense.

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Better idea, remove random queues, then we won’t have to deal with the debuff anymore or stupid ideas about it.

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Idk. This is tough.

I’ve been kicked once… just once in my entire playtime. Was it my fault? Idk actually, it was during WoD so… been a while. (At this pont, I’ll assume it was my fault because I cant remember)

I do mostly queued content nowadays and getting kicked doesn’t seem to be an issue unless you’re not a team player/decide its your way or the highway/etc.

I don’t doubt for a second that people get kicked for no reason, it’s an online game. But I definitely have seen more people leave than get kicked period.


“It wasn’t me 'onest, I didn’t do nuffink!”


I’ve only gotten kicked from groups for reasons I would consider irritably justifiable. They weren’t right but they weren’t wrong either.

Nah, that punishes the 99% of WoW players who are capable of playing through a normal mode dungeon without getting in a fight with their group members.


Wrong. I was in a dungeon one time the player who was being “vote kicked” Was number one in DPS hadn’t said a word, and the reason was “h” No one in the dungeon talked at all at that point, When that one failed, another vote to kick came up same reason different person.
No i was not the DPS in this case, i suck at dps and would never be top dps. But i am simply stating i have seen it happen.

You want to explain the reason? To say there is ALWAYS a reason is flat out crap.


There was a reason. It was a stupid reason. But it was a reason: because someone felt like it and everyone else voted for it.

So… not wrong.


No one voted for it >.> Because for once someone actually read the “reason” filling in a letter is not a reason or because “someone feels like it”, that is just grasping at straws. But i will respect your opinion, and agree that is a “stupid” reason.

Nope, can’t be done.

Brief history lesson about the deserter debuff:

When Blizzard first introduced the random dungeon finder during Wrath of the Lich King the deserter debuff only applied if you left a dungeon at the start, before the first boss of that dungeon was killed. This was fine, for the most part, because the thought was that it would prevent people from leaving dungeons prematurely, or immediately if it was a dungeon they hated.

Sadly it didn’t work out that way, tanks and healers in particular started going AFK at the beginning of dungeons they didn’t want to do, or they’d troll groups and refuse to leave, demanding that the group kick them so they wouldn’t get the deserter debuff and could instant queue for a new dungeon. So Blizzard changed the dungeon deserter debuff so that if you got kicked from a dungeon you get the deserter debuff.

What you’re asking for might seem fair to you, but it will allow tanks and healers to refuse to act and demand groups kick them if they get into a dungeon they don’t want to do. That’s not great and it’s unfair to entire groups that have to deal with that. Getting kicked from a group and getting stuck with a debuff might not be fair. But I’d rather that happen rarely and only inconvenience one person than a tank or healer trolling a group until they get kicked which inconveniences four people (or three if the healer also joins in on the trolling and demands to be kicked).


If he wasn’t kicked, then at least people were smart enough to realize it was a stupid reason. For all we know, the person who initiated the kick was sitting there thinking, “I wonder if I just don’t put any reason in if people will still vote kick.” Or “I’m just going to randomly kick someone because I got kicked last time and I’m mad about that.”

No… it’s literally a reason. They felt like it. They had no good reason to do it but wanted to anyway. That’s still a reason. It’s not grasping at anything.

And regardless of whether it’s nonsensical or not, the system doesn’t know why, Blizz isn’t going to police every single vote to determine if it’s legitimate or not and the debuff doesn’t discriminate.

The best part is when someone says, “Why didn’t you kick them when I put the vote up?” and then we all kick that person for being a jerk.