Remove blood elf blue eyes

While I like the green eyes on the blood elf beauties and hunks - Them getting blue eyes was very much long over due.

/Stamps “Denied” to the OP’s forehead


The main ‘‘archetype’’ excuse have never been a good one considering that the archetype for the forsaken was a high elf dark ranger, the on for goblin had a fat model, the one for LF draenei is a human, the one for big human is a normal human and even the leader of green orc have been mostly none green orc

Yeah, it’s almost the customization shows how different people in the same race can be. Crazy isn’t it. So like orcs, humans, ect…void elves will be different in how they look. Super crazy, I know.

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Ok you are one of those who change the topic every time that someone destroy your argument.

Leave those beautiful belf eyes alone. The variety i’m seeing from players who play belfs is great this expansion. So many combinations. It’s great!


Come take my eyes, you coward! :crossed_swords: :heart:


there’s some LORE you, on porpouse i think, ignore, more high elves and blood elves are comming to sw and the rift and they aren’t being mutated by an alien like the first ones were

wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/High_Elf_Wayfarer
wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Silvermoon_Scholar

there is your lore it’s that’s what drive you mad, cow paladins were more laughable at the time lore wise than “natural” void elves

Didn’t change the topic. Agreeing with you and showing you how customization is how we allow the differences to happen in the same race. Some will have purple skin and void filled eyes, some will not.

Also you didn’t “destroy” anything like there is anything to “destroy”. You have your own view of things and I used said views as a way to show another view.

Realistically? Yeah I don’t care about enjoyment over faction identity. I would rather preserve faction identity. And I have never once asked for Alliance options for myself. And I wouldn’t. That, to me, is illogical. And I don’t do illogical. Just like I view begging for something for over a decade to also be illogical. The first time the high elf crowd was told “no”, it should have been enough.

All I have said about blue eyes is it makes sense for blood elves from a lore perspective. Which is fine. I have never asked for them though. I have never wanted them. My characters do not use them, other than one who uses it for her mog cause it matches. And I would never once use it on something like an RP realm.

Honestly at this rate with how the blood elves, and void elves are at each other for appearance reasons…

Arthas clearly did nothing wrong…

But it don’t. Forsaken still can’t play as a dead elf, goblin still can be fat, green orc can’t be brown, LF draenei can’t be human and KT can’t look like Jaina. So why would void elf be a special case?

It isn’t a opinion to point out the fact that the leader of a race was not something that race HAD to look like. Which was basically your argument.

But that isn’t the playable void elf. RP =/= canon. A forsaken was a lordaeron human no matter how many other human the forsaken have. The playable human come from stormwind no matter many other human Stormwind have. The troll are darkspear troll no matter if you look like a dark troll or a sand troll.

they are being training to become void elves, you don’t born velf you become void elf so those examples are bad equivalences

alleria is a void elf, but she didn’t became the same way umbric and new ones won’t become void elves like umbic did.

with new updates, they will be playable.

Nah, let the Blood Elves keep using the blue eyes. Just let them also be able to customize to look like a Wretched. Remember, it wasn’t excessive Fel magic use that made them turn into Wretched, it was excessive Arcane magic use. If they’re using enough Arcane magic to convert their eyes back to blue, they should be turning into some form of Wretched already, especially since the Sunwell is mainly Holy energy now, so that would have no real effect on turning their eyes blue.

So I vote give them cookie dough colored eyes. Now everyone’s happy who’s with me!


gladly. even though they should have them lore wise at this point and we never should have had to trade our entire uniqueness for them. if it means getting the skin tones back lets do it chris

No it isn’t.

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you should give more versatility to customization instead of banned.

As to give the name of Blood elfs, let’s have black eyes with red (like X-men Gambit), or just red eyes to give the name of our race.

Dito !
To be honest I like this thread more :joy::joy:

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They made it so you can make a black Blood Elf, lol. I don’t think they give a crap about eye color.

Oh, right. They did retcon it to say it’s as much Holy as Arcane now. Still, my point still stands. Blood Elves using enough Arcane magic to turn their eyes blue would still risk turning into Wretched, barring yet another nonsensical retcon.