Remove blood elf blue eyes

That’s not the case because the Sunwell is passively sustaining them. Using the arcane is not a problem. It was devouring it that was the issue. Feeding off of it. Using it and feeding on it are two different things. Every culture would have a version of Wretched / Withered if using it was the problem. It’s not.

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So, you’re losing your Arcane Torrent racial, then, right? Because if you don’t need that anymore to regulate it, you no longer have need of it. And in fact, using it would tend to cause other issues, like too little Arcane power to sustain yourself, due to releasing too much. Then you’d probably turn into something like a Nightborne Withered…

The thing is, this whole problem was all caused by retconning that Blood Elves weren’t siphoning Fel in the first place, heh.

I mean - Arcane Torrent’s pretty trash anyway. I’m sure they could come up with something better. In PvE, it’s only really good for some extra resource, and in PvP, if you get lucky with purging BOP / Combust, or Innervate / Thorns. Not a huge loss.

Name 1 Alliance player that isn’t straight-up clown.

look are we trading back blue eyes for normal skin tones or not you guys

"Retconned’ before the game even came out, I played then back when Arcane Torrent did more than a tiny bit of mana restoration. Nowhere in the blood elf starting zone or lore did it ever say we siphoned fel crystals. They powered our cities and we lived around them.

And yet still kept all the issues that the retcon brought to the table. The time of the retcon doesn’t even matter. The fact is that by saying that use of Arcane magic turned Thalassian Elves into Wretched is problematic to this very day. And the fact that they showed that Elves could still turn into Wretched after the Sunwell was restored (Quel’Lithien Lodge in EPL in Cataclysm) means that the current Sunwell does diddly squat to protect them.

Still, my complaints against the screwed up lore aside, I’m just saying that Blood Elves should have some additional Wretched-type options for their looks, which would easily set them apart from any other Elves.

Are you back at insulting the Helf fanbase now? Was one thread not enough mate?

Quel’lithien Lodge (and Eastern Plaguelands) was Cata? Are you sure? I thought I remembered playing through there around Wrath time and they were there, and the Ghostlands zone is tacked onto EP, so are you sure it was that late?

These is the avalible non mag’har orc skin colors. Some are yellowish some are darker and lighter, but all are green. You might be colorblind and never knew.

Yup. Before the Cataclysm revamp, they were Alliance friendly High Elves. After the Cataclysm world revamp, they were made into Wretched.

Huh. Now I do remember that I didn’t dare go near there or be attacked, running horde characters for exploration as far away as possible so I didn’t get arrowed. Cata saw me playing alliance far less, so I must have still seen them as red and conflated later memories of questing through there and killing withered…

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Lore-wise, only those who still practice fel magic should have green eyes. The rest of the elves either have, or will, revert back to the time prior to this.

I love how they go from saying we’re just a couple of loud people to saying stuff like this. There’s suddenly enough of us that we’re bringing in money for them to justify making HE customisation in favour of Void?

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From the moment that Void elves received regular skin tones, it is impossible to restrict them from receiving any regular or lighter hair colours whatsoever. It’s inevitable.

There is no amount of blues and purples they can add that will satisfy the High elf fanbase, and even the Void elf fans would quickly get tired of it. Regardless how much glittery effects they add to the hair. A coding of such length needs to be worth it to the majority.


Fr. There was absolutely no thought put into their creation. Look at the new NB and LFD customisation options - their aesthetic is so refined and realised. Wtf do you associate VEs with? You can’t outright turn them into monsters, or nobody would ever want to associate and work with them(or even trust them). They’re literally just budget blue blood elves.

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It also quite peeves me that Nightborne, KTs, Mechagnomes, Zandalari etc have such lovely home cities, while Void elves are residing on some rocks out in space. Some tents here and there. And Night elves are homeless too. So many possibilities, I really hope both Void elves and Night elves get a proper city (even if small) to call home in 10.0 or so.

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Void Elves are such a massive **** up. They weren’t even utilised in the expansion they were introduced in because Blizzard probably thought so too :joy:

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I recently made these suggestions in the Void elf thread:
(this is Lux from LoL btw)

This shows that white and blonde can be perfectly fitting to Void Elves, as long as you put some thought (and lots of frigging coding) into it. But I’m of the belief that they simply didn’t care much for Void elves back when they released them in Legion. If they did, we wouldn’t have gotten twin pairs of blue, blue-green, and blue-grey. Ofc the community did not like it, and they eventually saw that.

I have to say it. Demon hunters did the title already. With daggers.

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