Remove blood elf blue eyes

I told you this is my thread now. I signed the papers and everything. So you go bye bye. Not me

When blood elves and void elves start fighting over eye and hair colors…….


Again, retconned. Just because it’s in the game does not change the fact it was retconned.

Blood elves are addicted to arcane magic, not fel, but it is possible for a blood or high elf to succumb to fel magic’s lure; Kael’thas Sunstrider and some of his more zealous followers did so while on Outland. Dissatisfied with the limits of arcane magic, Kael’thas began consuming fel energy to acquire even greater power.[15] A blood elf who consumes enough fel magic will be warped into a demonic hybrid, known as a felblood elf, essentially their race’s equivalent of a fel orc.

This has been the case for years.


LOL right?

I mean, Blizzard could of made them different in the beginning and they didn’t. Gave Void Elves a rig tweak like Nightborne. It would of solved everything.

Cool so Blizzard changed their own Lore to make one of the most popular Horde races look better. Funny, that.

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That’s completely irrelevant to what I was stating. I was merely pointing out that blood elves did not suckle on fel, and that it was used to power their homes. You tried to challenge me on that. You are wrong. Have a good one.

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They even show they used Arcane in the BC cinematic. That woman wasn’t sucking on fel. LOL


I think he means the addicte belves in eversong.

Fel magic corrupts the body and can cause demonic changes if used excessively. Orcs and High Elves, however, have shown to be far more suspectible to the effects of fel, going as far as any passive use of fel could affect parts of their physical visages, for the orcs it affected the colour of their skin, for the Blood Elves it changed the previous blue hue they had before their eyes, to green.

Siphoning fel magic and/or eating demonic flesh or drinking demonic blood causes transformations, for the orcs, they either turn big, red and become much stronger (Original Azeroth universe) or big, black/dark greenish (Warlords of Draenor orcs… can’t remember exactly).

Due to the passive effects of fel, both High Elves and Blood Elves have thalassian elves with a green hue before their eyes. The High Elves who went with Alleria to Outland, would have been among fel magic for an extended period of time - which means that their blue glow would have eventually turned to a green glow. Blood Elves who resided in Dalaran (Thus never returned to Quel’thalas with Kael’thas) would maintain their blue glow as they were not around fel magic.

With the Sunwell restored, it is now a mixture of light and arcane energies. A developer clarified that this would eventually cause all Blood Elves to get golden eyes - this means that the evolution to golden eyes happens passively, which means that Blood Elves and High Elves alike would eventually get golden eyes, because both are connected to the Sunwell automatically - as clarified in the Lor’themar Story: In the Shadow of the Sun. This statement, however, is not exactly well-shown in game by blizz themselves, so it is either not entirely true, or just takes much longer for elves who do not actively use the light. But this equally means that any High Elf or Blood Elf who practice arcane, would eventually get back their blue glow or maintain it.

The light cleanses fel magic, as is shown by Velen in the little Exodar scenario back in Legion, and the Arcane is the direct opposit of fel, order and chaos, and it is clarified by a certain demon hunter in legion, that the demon hunter tattooes are made of arcane to supress the fel to keep it from running amok. In this case, the arcane equally works to push fel energies out, and the light cleanses fel. With the Sunwell active and being a mixture of both energies, and these energies passively surging through Blood Elves, this means that the fel taint upon the elves would not just be cleansed, but quickly cleansed. This would mean, that unless the elves use fel magic actively, then they will quickly lose their green glow, and if they are either magical class that uses light or arcane respectively, they would get the golden or blue glow.

The Void or Shadow is a magic that directly opposes the light, they are infact such polar opposites that they cause pain upon connect, as shown by Alleria and Turalyon in the story ‘A thousand years of war’ - and this was before Alleria even absorbed a darkened naaru, and only had a smaller injection void. This means that there is no cleansing of the shadow or void, it is quite frankly permenant as also evidenced by Sargeras’ total fear of it. There can be prevention, but the only cure is death.

The manner in which Void Elf and Alleria was created was also different. Alleria’s road to void form was a controlled, trained manner, while the Void Elves were exposed to large quantities of void and violently so too with the intention to transform them into void-beings, hence the difference in looks. An interview with a WoW developer highlights that the Void Elves seek to repeat the incident that created them, in order to add to their numbers - which means that they have yet to find a way to repeat it and thus can not create new Void Elves… yet, and the powers they have is thus also hinted to not be able to be learned and used without said injection of void.


Every elf hailing from Quel’thalas is addicted to magic, whether they call themselves High Elves or Blood Elves is irrelevant, both are addicted to magic - until the Sunwell was reignited, both are now sustained by the Sunwell.

There is an addict in Eversong Woods, but I believe he is a Thistlehead. In Eversong Woods there is an herb with hinted magical properties, this makes it a desireable herb for elves pre-Sunwell reignition. But it comes with a stigma, and those who make use of the herb is called ‘Thistleheads’ not much unlike our world’s use of a certain herb.

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Cease the needless crassitude.

They were assailed by void ethereals whom attempted to turn them ethereal, and were interrupted by Alleria, whom thou art so inclined to in this matter disregard, and whom is training them as well, hence the implication by her set - that some number of void elves can appear as normal quel’dorei - is sensical.

And hast thou knowledge of the difference betwixt being afflicted by magic or consuming it?
For I do, as the worgen curse is magical in nature and can be passed on both by a worgen physically wounding a suitable candidate or the imbibing of afflicted blood thereby. Thus I must cast doubt upon there being so great a distance between affliction and imbibing as claimest thou.

I had not known this, and so thank thee for sharing.

Then 'tis reasonable to presume that other elves that are to the processes of the ren’dorei exposed may lack the same superficial alterations, and that such elves, if so, would exist as the ren’dorei are wont to increase theyr numbers, no?
Or is it not hinted but outright or otherwise more firmly stated?


And we are moving into a full 2 generations removed from the orcs that drank blood. Your argument is invalid.

This speaks the truth, just saying.

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I was pretty much content with the first colour for eyes we got for the Blood Elves. It seems like it is a never ending request-a-thon for them tho and that’s ok. Just hope other races don’t suffer, cause it kinda seems like is what is happening.

And void underneath that Alleria exposed. But Lorthemar is too scared to admit it. :eyes:

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Preserving faction identity over player enjoyment of the game? This kind of comment is why i hate factions these days. Other people being happy with their options don’t matter to you? Blood elf players asked for blue eyes for years, wouldn’t be fair to remove them. They way you describe factions makes it seems like a system to make the game less fun.


It’s simply because these Alliance players want their Quel’dorei, & will use incrementalism to get what they want, even at the expense of a race that was here since the Burning Crusade expansion.

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Wouldn’t Blood in Blood Elf mean more blood? If so, I’m down!


Yeah, and you can make brown orcs without unlocking the allied race. Showing that the green skin is going away from some baby orcs. So your point being?

The main ‘‘archetype’’ excuse have never been a good one considering that the archetype for the forsaken was a high elf dark ranger, the on for goblin had a fat model, the one for LF draenei is a human, the one for big human is a normal human and even the leader of green orc have been mostly none green orc…

The difference is that one race name change is tied to their physical change why the other not. The blood elf change name came way before the change in their eye colour and there have been some time when blood elf still had blue eye while the void elf literally change their name because of the void change…

Anyone who claim that void elf aren’t automatically voidish basically say that any shadow priest elf is a void elf.