Remove blood elf blue eyes

Precisely. The box has already been opened.


They are high elves though.

They’re literally just high elves. Just like void elves, at their core, are also high elves.


why? the more we can customize our characters, the better

Guys slow down please I can only reply between my adopted thread and my glorious one on my phone so fast.

This thread turned out greater than I could have possibly imagined.


Says the one who thinks the scholars in the Rift figuring out how to make more Void Elves is bad, but Mechagnomes making a third arm for Void Elves isn’t. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Go back to your own thread. You wanted this one closed.

What a troll. :rofl:

How would that make me look? I adopted this one already.

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This was retconned and isn’t true. All major lore sources prove that this isn’t the case. Blood elves did not siphon fel. They used fel crystals to power their homes and buildings, and their eyes turned green as a result through a form of radiation. The only elves which actually fed upon fel are the fel blood elves in Sunwell.


After whining that it should be closed and it’s so bad for you!

Okay Karen. ROFL

Oh really okay my bad then. Point stands even harder now.

Well it won’t be so I might as well give it a good nuturing home. Hopefully it’ll grow just as big and strong as my first one.

Also not once have. I asked for anyone’s manager

Yeah, no. Check the Blood Elf starting area and all the corrupted husks of your kind there.

Okay Karen. LOL

I’d put your bad trolling on ignore, but it’s too much fun to point out how bad your posts are when I get a chance. :rofl:

When did I deny I said that? I just said that I might as well adopt it since it most likely won’t close. Can you not read or something? Like duh, lol…

Learn2lore. ROFL

The Wretched are elves (usually blood elves) that failed to control their innate addiction to magic, overindulging in arcane sources to the point of deformity and, often, insanity. Obsessed with obtaining and devouring magic, they are a danger to both themselves and others, and are usually too violent to surrender.[1]

That’s from the novella.

Don’t ignore me, do you lack basic tracing comprehension?

Go back to your own thread, Karen troll. :rofl:

Well okay I’ll take that as a no. Btw you’re using the Karen meme wrong…

Bye troll!