Remove auto silence and right click report

I came back to check the state of that thread and yup no record of it I guess between my last posting and now someone/people really went off the rails. why remove the entire thread, which had some decent posts mixed in to the flames, and not just the offending comments who knows???


Oh that thread…

People started making personal attacks and stuff like that.

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Yeah it got pretty heated.

Here’s hoping we can do better and stick to topics like quickly removing bigots/spammers from public chats and minimizing abuse.


Bigotry is a social construct. Not everyone has same definition of bigotry. It’s a euphemism these days for “i don’t agree with what you are saying therefore you are a bad person”

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If you say so, but bigotry is still a bad thing and shouldn’t be tolerated, right?

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Just ignore the person and move on.

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And enable bad behavior that harms people? Evil triumphs when good people do nothing, and all that.

Also it’s against the terms of service, if one really needs an authority to refer to instead of basic humanity.

(unless you mean stop replying to that person in particular, in which case I agree. they’re awfully inflammatory)

Blizzard has sais no. It’s their house, their rules. There’s other spots on the internet to use the “fun words.”

Also, consider you don’t need to use them to be a dedicated, vicious troll.

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Yay, another person who hasn’t read all the posts that explain that it not the words that is being used or the jokes being made.

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That’s right. It’s all about some people’s pet peeve.

For some, it’s all about punishing the players that have the audacity to use /trade in a manner which is approved by Blizzard, but which they do not like.

I dont really play wow, just here for some classic, but…

why dont they just add a mute option? so you can mute the player you dont want to hear? This is pretty common in most games is it not in this one?

personally I dont ever report anyone unless I can tell that they are blatantly hacking and I have video evidence, as nothing else anybody can say or do will affect me in any way.

It just seems silly to me to let someone harassing you bother you.

I come from pvp games where this is the norm though so admittedly I am probably in the minority here.

games like ultima online (pre Aos or even pre pub 16) or Darkfall online. the stuff said in those games and forums would def get people banned here and it happens all the time and no one cared. Over the years people have become soft.
its disappointing.

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They have that, it’s just called ignore. you right click and select ignore.

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As the poster amove me noted, ignore is an option.

That just is not enough for those that want to be able to collude to punish any other player at any time for any perceived slight, no matter how minor, even if that player never committed any violations.


We’re more concerned about the actual violations.

And removing loud obnoxious people is just an added bonus.

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Violations should be reported.

That said, though, not everyone in favor of the RCR auto squelch is concerned about actual violations. Some simply want to be able to dispense their own brand of vigilante justice, even if the victim of that vigilante justice never actually committed any violation.


All known instances of abuse of the system have been by dedicated groups (or very dedicated individuals with multiple accounts).

Violations, as you say, should be reported. This includes people abusing the report system, as Blizz has said before they check for. Unless… you think Blizz won’t actually act on people with bad behavior. In which cause auto squelch seems the only thing that will actually stop the far worse problem.

Or maybe people should just consider trying just not being soft overly sensitive snowflakes?

There’s objective collateral damage with a right click report system, and even more specifically with an auto squelch system…

You want people to suffer consequences for breaking rules? Fine… reporting and GM reviewing does that… That isn’t what you are advocating for with RCR and auto squelch, however… Not even remotely. Auto squelch isn’t crime and punishment as much as a outright lynching people without any form of due process… Even server “blacklists” end up being a more fair system for in game “social justice” since it requires an entire population of independent people to make a determination and then choose to uphold it, vs a handful of randoms right clicking.

A story I frequently tell is about a guy from my og vanilla server named Booms… He was a shadowpriest on horde, and had a secondary alliance account for his character “Boomsbot”… His act was simple: Boomsbot would sit at the Menethil Harbor docks, and (while speaking entirely in pirate vernacular) demand that you pay him tribute to use his boats, or end up walking the plank (being mind controlled by his priest off the boat into fatigue waters). He was a server LEGEND for this behavior… and was immortalized with his own NPC after the guy behind the character passed away irl.

Let this sink into your easily triggered snowflake mind before we continue… This guy was a CELEBRATED HERO during the vanilla era for his in game antics and was immortalized by blizzard himself as a character who spiced up the game world.

Now put him in a RCR-Auto squelch world… Every single alliance that runs into him is going to RCR him, just because they can. And since the system is now automated, he’s going to get AUTOMATICALLY squelched, near permanently. It doesn’t matter that Blizzard already decided his antics where not only “OK” per the rules, but worth celebrating enough that he got in game recognition/memorialization for them via his own NPC… he’s going to get get near permanently squelched because of a combination of overly sensitive snowflakes, people out to get “revenge”, and/or possibly some people who aren’t really sure whether he was doing something wrong or not, and just reported him regardless.

Now look at that from Blizzard’s perspectives… How do they sift through reports made in good faith (people who are genuinely unsure if rules where violated), vs reports made in bad faith (people like you, seemingly just out for a good 'ol lynching)?

Fact is, if I where in charge of blizzard I’d already have thanos snapped your account from existence just on the basis of your support for RCR and Auto squelch, because your stances on those topics both disgust and offend me. Luckily for you, I clearly don’t have such power, and readily admit that it’s probably a good thing overall that I don’t. I’d wager you agree with that sentiment (being happy I don’t have such power), because after all, you haven’t actually broken any rules, and it’d be really damn frustrating to have to deal with getting punished, even temporarily, all because some random person you’ve never actually interacted with, ended up getting offended over your existence, wouldn’t it?


I skimmed that since it’s quite the wall of text.

I’ll just point out I’ve accused neither you or anyone else of any bad behavior, only pointed out that it exists and needs to be dealt with. So please don’t make assumptions as to my goals, just as I’m not making assumptions as to yours.

EDIT: Oh, one other thing: the gist of your post seems to be asking for my sympathy and understanding of your plight… to not having sympathy or understanding for other people’s plights (hence the dismissive comments like “snowflakes”). Do you not see the problem there?


This is exactly it, the automated system cuts down on costs. They already want to employ less community management staff (ie: loot trading) so RCR will most likely be in classic.

The problem with RCR in classic is that recruiting from the community for group content was a core part of the game. Sitting in a capital city asking for people to join your 5 man, or looking for a key to UBRS. How many posts will be considered “spam” by the community? How many people will be wrongfully flagged?

I fear RCR will have a negative impact on the community that was so famous in vanilla, especially if people are abusing it. Time will tell how big of a problem it will be, but I really hope blizzard is taking into account the review of “mass flagging” in a short period (which could be unjustifiable harassment from a rival guild, pvp group, etc.)

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That’s not how it works. Stopped reading here because you not understanding how the system works invalidates everything you said.