it has happened before, a bunch of people sat around asmongold and reported him for no reason as a test and he got banned back in warlords of draenor, as good as you can make a system i think it can always make a mistake since it’s not human
in wod? so you saying blizzard never updated the game or any systems since?
You can’t just silence a player like that. For you to use the system with the silence, you need to be able to target the player, right-click, and click the report button. Or, the player has to speak in a chat channel that you can see(then right-click their name->report).
So, you basically can’t get Method kicked while they are in a raid(assuming they don’t talk in /1). As for streamers, you’d basically have to have a group of probably 40ish players hunt down said streamer and then report them. Which, can be tough due to sharding. Or you and 40ish other players can sit in a zone chat channel and hope they say something. It would also take coordination, which it’s probably beyond twitch chat.
E: Oh, and there’s also the fact that silencing these players wont do much. Top-tier raiders almost certainly all use voice comms instead of in-game chat. Likewise, I rarely(if ever) see streamers talk in-game aside from whispers. But, they mostly just talk over the stream.
People would rather trust Blizzard blindly than question the integrity of a painfully, obviously flawed system.
I guess you should have complained 12 years ago when the system was implemented. Waiting 12 years to complain probably doesn’t do much for your case.
It sounds good, but investigating the context of every RCR that led to an overturn would be an even greater workload than old-style tickets.
It’s such a hilariously broken system at multiple levels. Just lmao at the guys trying to pretend it solves more problems than it creates - it’s a cost cutting measure, and nothing else. The game world would be better in every way with more GMs investigating more tickets, instead of RCR.
I’m convinced RCR is all about giving an illusion of power to powerless people. It’s a rush, right clicking someone who says something you don’t like. But it’s still an illusion - the troll you think you’re silencing gets the automatic duration for being a toxic slimeball without a human being ever checking in on him; if someone did, he’d be looking a lengthy ban or permanent ban, instead. This is why you keep seeing the same guys re-appearing. Face this fact.
RCR is worse at removing bigots, trolls and the like from public channels, not better. You’re trading long term results for short term satisfaction.
12 years ago the only people getting hit were gold spammers. It did not become an issue until Legion when sjw could get you squelched for for no reason whatsoever.
Already knew all of that. Again, if a human being looked at the reports of bad behavior they troublemaker would be taken care of the first time. RCR is a less efficient system in the long run - for us, that is. Not for Blizzard, haha.
One of the most jaw-dropping things people who argue for RCR like to try push by me is the idea that, without RCR, things were a toxic wasteland. No. People get smacked down and out of their accounts for hate speech and that sort of thing. It came hard and fast, back when Activision-Blizzard actually paid for enough GMs to handle the ticket volume.
Ya’ll have it so much worse, now. Illusion of power. Remember that. Illusion. As a player, you have less control over the removal of troublemakers than ever before.
you can target a player easy using the built in “Who” window. and target of target. so if this is “ABUSE of the system” wouldn’t you think these people could invite each other and select target of target?
To my knowledge, the target command in the /who requires the person to actually be targettable. If they aren’t in you group or aren’t close enough, it won’t work. But, maybe that’s wrong. I haven’t checked it out in a long time.
E: I checked it out and it does appear that you cannot target them to report via that method. But, there still could be something I am missing.
Define hate speech.
I’m honestly glad this system is in, even now the levels of grotesque people in regular trade chat are intense, i can only imagine what bridge trolls will crawl out when classic launches, hopefully this system can help shelter new people to this community rather than drive them away
the more i read these threads seems people who throw filth regularly are scared that there will be some consequences coming their way, its literally in Bliz TOU, you can use all the words and phrases you want but actions have consequences
the doom and gloom is pitiful and much like the sentiment ignore and move on that seems to be the catchall, if you don’t like this change feel free to unsubscribe and leave, something tells me the community is far better off without you here
My other thread was just taken down covering exactly this.
Oh you mean your thread about America and politics?
Of course it was. People do not want to hear the truth because they do not want their illusions destroyed. (I think Nietzshe said that)
Yep it’s the modern way to troll. Just claim others are toxic or something. Since blizzard is CA based, they are heavily left biased so they instantly respond to that and ban random players who done nothing wrong. CA culture is total trash lately.
First day back on the job and you’re already packing your bags.
I think one of the core problems of CA culture ,and by extension internet culture, in [current year] is this:
If you have a different set of ideals and beliefs or hit enough check boxes in their mind you’re labeled as an “ist”, an “ism”, or “phobe” of their choosing.
The other person(s) now have to defend themselves on a subject completely detached from the original statement.
You don’t understand the right click report system, so perhaps it is best you choose another topic.