Remove auto silence and right click report

We know there are some incidentd in which players were deservedly squelched and a very well known instance of a streamer being punished for abusing the system.

That is not anything remotely close to indicating that everyone that was squelched deserved the squelch or that everyone that abuses the system is punished, however.

IMO, Blizzard would be fools to call attention to how easily the system can be abused or how often it is abused.

How many squelches have been overturned? How many of those overturned squelches resulting in punishment for those who submitted reports that contributed to that squelch? We don’t know and Blizzard is unlikely to be forthcoming with that information.

Almost as if you are not actually responding to the player you quoted.

They don’t, because you can’t prove that someone did that. All they can do is put a black man in jail, then release him later if he is found innocent. But he still spent time in jail.

This is exactly how this auto squelch system works. Let’s racists put a man down, beat him into squelch prison. No consequences for the squelchers.

“Everybody that reports a crime that doesn’t result in a conviction should go to jail.”

You are so full of it. The only reason you’re arguing this nonsense is because you don’t want RCR to work. You want it to either have a ridiculously unrealistic threshold to trigger, or you want people to be punished for using it, or rather, be afraid they might be punished for using it, so that they don’t.

You’re not concerned about “the system being abused.” You just want to cripple the system - that has been working just fine in WoW for years - because you want to say and do whatever you want without any consequences. It’s completely transparent.


Blizzard needs no “proof” beyond a reasonable suspicion, and they will have quite enough evidence to point to collusion in order to hamper gameplay in the listed examples.

But hey, feel free to continue to compare this to racism. Totally doesn’t make you look bad.

PS: you do not need the apostrophe in “lets”

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People of marginalized groups can indeed be harassed using the squelch system, but first I imagine that will be rather rare (requires coordinated group), and secondly harassment against an individual like that is very traceable and very ban worthy.

More common of course is going to be people making “jokes” or belittling or being flippant toward people of said marginalized group. That can and will be squelched by non-organized people because in fact most people are not terrible and will report it.


you are talking out of your *** right now, blizzard doesn’t do this and will not do this.

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I’ve played briefly on private servers and I can tell you right now, I’d sooner have RCR than the mortifying racism and bigotry on full display in unmoderated private server chat channels.


And you are basing that off of what exactly?

Tell us all upon what exactly it is you base your apparent claim that Blizzard does a deep investigation into reports to determine If the system was abused.


Tell us all what exactly it is you base your apparent stance that I made such a claim? Having the ability and resources to do something does not mean they do so.

Are you claiming that they do not have the ability to do a “deep investigation” and that they would not be able to glean substantial evidence of wrongdoing should they desire to do so?

I own a stratocaster. That does not mean I claim to play like David Gilmore. The tool however, is there.

Sorry, got too much empathy for that.


If someone is slinging racial slurs or filling chat with anal spam, players should have no fear of reporting that player as those squelches would likely be upheld.

It is those questionable “grey areas” (such as the player that is not committing any actual violation, but merely using /trade in a civil, polite manner for things other than the buying or selling of goods and/or services) that should be cause for concern, IMO.

Much like the saying that if you have to ask if something is an exploit, it probably is an exploit, if you have to ask if something is an actual violation and a squelch would be upheld, it probably is not an actual violation, IMO.

We both said that they don’t actually do that. Because that would be expensive and huge waste of their time and money. They aren’t going to hire people to investigate childish disputes in a game to see if there is actual abuse of the system. They don’t care, they never did, and they never will.

If you think they investigate, I have a bridge to sell you. So gullible.

Allow me to quote you:

You did not explicitly state that every squelch is investigated in depth to determine If all of the reports came from alts of players in the same guild, IMO, you certainly seems to me that you implied that they did.

Now before you go moving goalposts and claiming that you were just stating that Blizzard has the tools to determine probable abuse, what good do those tools do if they are not regularly used?

If those tools are not used on a regular basis (such as on every squelch), what do you propose would be that “trigger” that would indicate those tools should be used in a particular case?

What an odd way to make an argument, to take what someone was clearly stating, and then call it a move of a goalpost if they confirm that is what was said. You’ve gone off the deep end.

What evidence have you of their frequency of use?

What evidence do you have of their frequency of use?

Are you claiming that those tools are used regularly, as in every squelch?

Are you admitting that abusers of the RCR system have little reason to fear an in depth investigation and therefore would not likely have to worry about consequences for their abuse of the system?

If this is the case why do we not see examples in retail? Where the system is currently in place?

Videos of the system being abused have been linked in other threads. We’ve also seen posters that have stated that they abused the system or were victims of that abuse.

They are just dismissed as false by those who want the auto squelch.


weird you would think people would stop Method from world first clear since there is money involved or that streamers would be affected daily?