Remove Auction House automation

It’s time. Everything that’s been tried can’t keep the AH a fair playing field. If you are unwilling to spend hours doing automated cancel / scans then you are at a severe disadvantage in the ah.

Just break AH automation and the gold sellers who pin their livlihoods on it.


I’m confused. What AH automation?


You’re tracking that the gold sellers now are blizzard, right?


Using Trade Skill Master and doing cancel scans and all that like crazy.

I don’t use TSM so idk how it fully works to give a proper breakdown on it.


Auction house addons that automate long tedious functions into instant one click operations.


Ah. Things I know nothing about. Carry on without me! I’m useless here. :relaxed:


I am on a high pop server and there is 5 people that constantly does cancel-scanning. Its really annoying but I don’t they are bots. Some people have 2 accounts.

I do think Blizzard should completely break TSM or change their TOS so they can start banning people for this crap.


Playing the Devil’s advocate here.

Would this not be justified as they are spending a few hours on it?

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Better yet remove AH throttling so I can cancel scan faster. :heart_eyes:


I used to sell bags, lots of bags every expansion until the automation got so bad you were undercut every 5 minutes or so. I trapped a couple of them with posting real low and buying back, but bags are plentiful and there was no fair way to compete with automated sellers / buyers.

They are abusing the system by manipulating the undermine journal with 3 posts at ridiculous high prices. Turn off the api for undermine if you have to. We should have a plain old real auction house.


They had to ‘throttle’ AH requests from automated sources due to server preformance issues. So the hours they spend are mostly afk. Whatever happened to one click one function? Isn’t this botting?


Basically using TSM, we can create AH settings that allow us to automate the process of posting and canceling auctions.
Your settings determine the prices you set, how long you set it for, the quantity, so when you post scan it will read those settings so all you need to do is press the post button for each one, and cancel scanning allows you to cancel auctions that have been undercut so you can repost them in a similar manner.

It sounds complicated, but it’s really as simple as scrolling your mouse wheel to “click” each button using macros.

It’s automatic in terms of doing what a spreadsheet can do for you, but you still physically need to be there to post and cancel your auctions. Unless you use botting software obi.

I would love to see this - a ban on any AH addons along with having a mount free zone within 10 yards of any mailbox. Whether its someone just camped at the bank constantly running and rerunning scripts, or the brutasaur bot camped at a mailbox so they can cancel and repost without moving… automation on the AH has ruined it for everyone else.

Further, lets set a 30 minute cooldown on reposting the same item over again. You cancel your auction, you wait 30 minutes before you can list it again. None of this cancel repost cancel repost crap to stay at the top of the list.

And btw, who thought it was a good idea for the AH to be a first in last out system? If I list something and you come in an hour later and list yours at the same price why the heck would the later post be on TOP? It just promotes the cancel / repost cycle.


Get rid of cancel scans if you want, but they’ll always make the money. You have an inventory of 40 and they have an inventory of 26000? Even if people couldn’t cancel, they would win! You could undercut them 40 times and they either add your inventory to theirs or don’t, but no matter what they are going to set the price at whatever they want.

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Git gud at Ah op


Naw, TSM is like a job. I used it to find out how it works. Seriously if you worked the stock market that hard you’d be wealthy.


Go go cryptos.

Trick is to list 1 5 silver lower and keep doing that. After a while they don’t notice they are selling it at like 200g less than what they started and 26000 pieces sold 200g less than what they started, is a massive chunk off their profits.

Takes a while though.

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They have minimums you can set up in TSM for this. If they are buying you out, you are selling too low. If not, it’s a price they’re willing to sell for or they’ll just keep it in their bags.

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