Remove all add-ons from the Arena

Hell, don’t even have a trinket tracker.

You forget when the trinket was popped? To bad so sad…

When they remove add-ons in arena, you will see it get better.

Until then, it will get worse.


Turn your screen off and play by sound alone, you don’t need the crutch of graphics, do you?


Garbagehunt out here spittin facts.

No thanks. Stay mad.
Typical classic poster


Addons are not the issue.

The complexity and modifiers we deal with are the issue.

Look at any UI pre legion and its a slick, easy to see UI with maybe 2 or 3 weakauras and omnibar/gladius or sarena.

We now need a million different weak auras because there are SO many different things that can happen with terrible small visuals. Talent trees modify so much with so many % based increases to spells that if they line up, it hurts. So much mobility to manage and you dont even know who has what anymore because the variety you can change with the talent.


For competitive integrity, all views and styles need to be standardized. Just give us the AWC UI and call it a day. No addons, no extra bull****.

Go down the route of Valorant that even went to the extent of forcing resolutions. Competitive integrity over everything.


base arena ui is one of the most hilarious depravities I’ve ever seen

it was California that was the lie, the cake is real, just go sow some wheat and beet root in a field and then you have cake until the frosting is coming out your nose

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Sit in an adjacent room and shout instructions to your nephew.

What, you don’t need the crutch of actual agency do you??

I’m down to remove addons if all the important information you need to see was already on the base UI (it’s not)


I love some classic from time to time, but even stopping by the forums and it’s just the most uninspired boomer posting ever…

If they removed addons from arena, you’d still be bad though.


The only way to level the playing field is no addons.

This would infuriate pvp sweatlords, and make newcomers happy. So it’s win/win.


It’d make things considerably harder for newbies, though.


How do you figure? Newbs don’t queue for the first time with all the right addons, weakauras, and a custom interface that took years to get perfect.

Everybody flyin with the stupid binds and bar layout they made when they were 12 years old

Maybe just use ctrl+z and Dont even have a UI

It’s a common misconception that having no addons will even the playing field.

With no addons better players will be significantly stronger than new players (even more than it is the case now) because addons give new players the only chance to make sense of the millions of buffs and debuffs, their specs’ rotation, diminishing returns, etc. that would be otherwise impossible to deduce from the game visuals alone.

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Them adding bartender baseline to the game changed things up imo.
Now I just have battleground enemies (which works in arena too), diminish, and nameplatecooldowns.

When I started doing arena, I immediately looked for tools to make the experience better.

It’s weird how so many of you want to make the game worse.


Nah, we just don’t have fun playing air traffic controller with a goofy interface. We’d rather play WoW.