Remove 30% AP bonus

It’s hard to get carried to mythic g’huun but you managed :man_shrugging:


And that’s why the “bonus” for turning on warmode should be a strictly PvP one. People that have no desire to engage in wpvp are turning it on because the rewards are just too good for pve only players. Then we have complaints and people generally cheesed off because they were inconvenienced by another player(s). Make the “bonus” extra honor or pvp currency related.

Real wpvp enthusiasts don’t really care about imbalance and not getting quests done as fast as they can. They’re there for the rush of ganging up in a mob of death and mayhem on the other faction. They’re there for the adrenaline high of being hunted by a roving death squad out for their blood. Or just the thrill of a 1v1 where they pit their skills against another with only one person walking away alive. Those people aren’t the ones you see complaining in these threads.


It wasnt removed at all, they added a min ilvl for the alliance but didnt touch the hordes until the 2nd round. Horde got an unfair advantage that boosted them to tops of clears


You want me to go over your logs ? I can do it right here and now.


So horde having a minimal risk 10% bonus for the first 4 months of the expansion was perfectly okay?

How does your 10% bonus everyday for 4 months stack up to a few weeks of a 30% bonus vs a still present 10% bonus?


is hard to admit that you have a broken racial for that fight ? jeez


I’ve already gone over your logs, got all the other healers pulling orange and meanwhile…


The Alliance is there waiting for you


It was hotfixed a few days after it came out. The first round. And yeah, Alliance should have gotten the same treatment in the spirit of fairness. And it really didn’t “push then to tops of clears” it was 340 gear which we got from running mythic 0s. It’s not like Alliance didn’t have access to 340 gear in the form of mythic 0s, which were being steadily farmed at that time by everyone.

No, it wasn’t. It never should have been implemented in the first place in my opinion. Rewards for turning it on should have been pvp related for turning on a pvp mode.


Didn’t bother reading replies, but I don’t see the problem. If enough people care for the bonus they’ll swap which evens out the imbalance.


I agree they should split PVP stuff into PVP-only. However, this whole expansion is tuned towards PVP. That’s why it’s the Battle for Azeroth. They’re doing as much as they can to get more people into PVP and this is one way they can do it. Clearly it’s getting people into PVP that wouldn’t normally do so.

This is one of many reasons this whole expansion is tanking, forced gameplay that people get sick of quickly. It’s very ill-thought-out and if Blizzard doesn’t pivot this game is going to continue to slide.


And this is what I am asking for, remove the ap bonus and add something from pvp related stuff.


He’s talking week 1 mythic raid, Horde got free 370 pieces while alliance didn’t get them til the week after.


why don’t you just start raiding on the Alliance side?
That’s what Blizzard wants any way.


Warfronts and mythic 0s dont compare. One can be farmed the other cant.
The 30% bonus is still fair and doesnt affect anything good really besides some ap which still doesnt matter since they are changing necks completely


Anything that gets more Alliance players engaged with the expansion is a good thing.


it’s real bad. i would hope they would lessen the requirements since they’ve already announced the final tier won’t require any unlocking of traits

sorry you came here for a discussion OP. this is general discussion. nothing of value to be had in the posts of this thread.

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I am still seeing horde raids camping alliance, not the other way around, so I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe it’s different times of day in different areas, I don’t know. I do know that according the the 30% buff, YOUR personal experience is not typical, mine is. If it were truly the other way around, the buff would see that in the data and would be going to horde, not alliance. So… I am sorry you feel that way, but maybe you need to just log off for 30 minutes or go to another area. You know, do what Horde always tells Alliance they should do when they are tired of being ganked for hours.


-you people are clueless.
-OP already stated hes in a mythic raiding guild.
-blizzard has also established a worldwide raiding race.
-then they go and incentivize warmode, giving an advantage to just one faction like the OP said, forcing them to either play days and days more or spend more money?
stop buying into blizzard’s scam… stop bringing up excuses from the past.
i have played this game for so long and have seen such a lack of innovation its disgusting.


The extra AP from WM isn’t going to suddenly propel Alliance guilds to the top, AP really doesn’t matter.

Besides, this thread points more to silly AP requirements by “some” Mythic guilds then anything.