Remove 10% damage reduction from Titan's Grip

Except it isn’t made up, I went through the data before the ret buffs and made a lengthy post about it…

At the time, not only were fury warriors much more likely to have an Algalon kill relative to the numbers doing the raid than ret, the absolute number of them were much higher.

I still have that data saved… As of 2/6 when Algalon was still pretty cutting edge content and guilds were being the most picky about raid comps and fully evaluating what classes they brought for utilities…

286 / 160732 fury warriors
56 / 59811 arms warriors
71 / 34341 prot warriors
14 / 29167 gladiator warriors

171 / 127791 Ret paladins

Literally 2x the number of DPS warriors got Algalon kills relative to ret paladins by that point, so if DPS warrior is in such a bad place, what did that make rets? (I’m actually kind of amused that it was exactly 2x if you count fury and arms together. If you exclude arms, fury had a 67% advantage over ret)

Ret utility just flatly wasn’t enough to make ret useful enough to bring, even on the fight that DSac is MOST useful on. They preferred Fury by a large margin.

They still do, but by a smaller margin.

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