Removal of PvE Realms

Nope, never pvp would unsub if it were the case.

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Ok bro I’m not usually a one upper but lemme holla atchya real quick.

I get up at 4am get to work for 5am I work until about 4-5 depending on the day. Get home help 3 kids bang out homework(actually doing that right now got off half hour early due to rain) then I have one kid in football practice 530-830 simultaneously a kid at soccer practice 6-8 that wife does on other side of town.

Get home wolf down dinner shower, now I’m looking at about 930 kids in bed maybe watch something with the wife, pray I get some nookie but dread actually doing so because it means less sleep(if I do it right and put in the work that is but happy wife happy life right?)

my only options are weekend evenings if I’m lucky or a random Wednesday (only day off from sports)

Counts for the wife too she plays when i do.

Why you in such a hurry to level bro? What magically happens at level 60 that you are all in such a rush for.

Because Blizzard doesn’t force players to only roll one faction or the other on a server once the population starts to get unbalanced. They let players go where they will and be whatever faction they like.

One of the biggest complaints when CRZ was introduced in retail was that it messed up the balance/unbalance and population of servers, at least in the open world.

Some players intentionally roll on low pop servers cause they like it that way. Some intentionally look for a server that is skewed toward their faction. Some look for more balance options.

Who cares? Play on whatever server type or faction you want.

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I reached rank 14 on a pvp server, have nothing to prove so im in pve now.

In a completely voluntary way that affects PvP in zero way, yet here we are with the age old argument of “I don’t get why you don’t like to be constantly ganked.”


I think this is the fear mongering that has people so afraid of PvP servers. In my experience camping rarely happens. Yes, I’ll get ganked every now and then. But for someone to sit on my corpse
 people have better things to do for the most part.

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No, I wouldn’t. I’ve played on PvP servers before. Not interested in doing it again.


If they removed PvP servers, the hardcore PvP crowd would quit, and server balance would only matter for BG queues.

Face it, man. PvP and PvE players are two entirely different types of people. It is like Horror fans and Urban Fantasy fans. Sure, there may be some overlap, but trying to force Buffy the Vampire Slayer viewers to watch nothing but Hellraiser (or vice-versus) is going to just leave everyone pissed off.


But bg’s aren’t in.

I don’t invalidate bg’s. Pvp is pvp.

I mean, nothing I say will convince you to do something you don’t like to do and not should it.

More I feel that a lot of people get this idea that they will be constantly camped and it’s usually not the case in my experience.

From what I’ve seen most people who avoid pvp servers avoid pvp in general although I realize that’s not always the case.

I feel like if more people tried it and didn’t care about losing so much they might actually enjoy it.

We are reaching entitlement levels that shouldn’t even be possible.

I don’t know if that is an entirely accurate analogy, but it is hilarious

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Personally if they removed PvE servers, I’d just unsubscribe and take my money elsewhere. Sure most of my friends would too. I’m not going to get into playstyle preference as that’s a futile debate and to each their own, but if Blizzard ONLY had PvP servers from the very beggining then it may be a different story, but that ship has sailed and here we are.

I see nothing good coming from such an action and opening up a lot of issues were it to occur now. I actually see things becoming far worst for PvP potentially in various ways.

While I feel MOST people would just flat out quit if PvE was removed, these are the issues I see occuring if most/all decided to stay.

  • If most or all PvE players decided to remain and play on PvP servers, your crowded servers are now even more crowded.
  • I can’t say for sure obviously, but just like how RPers have been able to strongly unite to create unofficial RP servers, if people really wanted to they could make an unofficial PvE server, which would contradict the actions taken and I can see it pising off PvP players because you now have a significant pool of people not wanting to participate in PvP.
  • if the PvE population were to move to existing PvP servers, there is just as much if not a greater chance of the imbalances becoming worst than better.

This would destroy an enjoyable aspect of the gameplay for those who want PvP realms. It may not be MY style of play, but some like the sense of danger, of always having to be on their toes, of calling in reinforcements, of remembering the names and hunting them down later when there’s less level imbalance.

I don’t want their fun ruined to improve mine, any more than I want mine removed to improve theirs.

Faction imbalance is really only an issue on PvP realms anyway, and tends to be exacerbated quickly by players who don’t want to be the underdog.

Faction imbalance is a bigger issue related to regular (unscripted) wPvP and faction economy / progress. I don’t actually remember if they’ve said BGs will be cross-realm from the get-go or single realm. Single realm would have issues with the imbalance, but cross-realm would mean a realm like Heartseeker was queued in with a realm like Herod, and the imbalances offset each other more.

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Hey op you dont understand why people play on pve servers. How about you lean before you make such assumption.

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Well boys, good news. Raining like crazy football practice cancelled. Looks like I can play today after all :slight_smile:

See you in game.

The real world called, check out the levels of entitlement out here. People think they deserve free college, health care, food, shelter, money, phones, etc. that other people have to work to pay for. I’ll take the level of WOW entitlements any day lol

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You can’t practice football in the rain anymore? What is this world coming to?


That’s why I said ganking and not camping.

I’m aware that even on PVP servers, most players won’t camp as it’s a waste of everyone’s time. But what DOES happen all the time on PVP servers are players nuking significantly lower level players of the opposing faction. Or gathering a large group and overwhelming single players or much smaller groups. Or attacking players while they are engaged with multiple mobs and can’t possibly defend themselves easily against attacks from all sides. You get the gist.

I like PVP when it’s even. The kind where everyone is the same level, has the same standardized equipment, and the same numerical count. In those instances, it’s all about skill, and skill is all I care about. But that’s not what PVP servers are about for the most part.

In terms of roleplaying and lore, I prefer the cold war attitude of PVE servers. People are on edge around other faction members, but are generally grudgingly polite 
 until one person turns PVP on and invites it to escalate wildly.

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So then if they are not in, but eventually will, who really cares what we do in Phase 1?

Agree to disagree with how we value our time spent, i guess.

More I feel that a lot of people get this idea that they will be constantly camped and it’s usually not the case in my experience.

It actually is the case in a lot of cases that really stick out in people’s minds. Some fights are matched up ‘relatively’ – often cases, its just a bored skull level opponent who wants to grief you.

Listen, I’ve been playing PvP servers for the last three years prior to Classic - I won’t tell you you are definitively wrong, and that all cases are homogeneous, but I think people are glossing over how frequently bored high levels just grief people because they can. Nothing wrong with being OK with that, and loving PvP servers! - but nothing wrong with me saying I don’t want to entertain that environment, either. :man_shrugging:


I remember trying out a game that had open world pvp as the only option. Think it was aion. Liked a lot of the game however being hunted for kills everytime I logged and found it increasingly impossible to level, led me to quit. Will never play a game that does not have a pve only option.