Removal of PvE Realms

But this is World of Warcraft.

Its 4v1 because they wanted OP racial skills and went horde.

You don’t enjoy ‘red is dead’? Why are you advocating Blizz abolish PvE servers then?

I suspect you missed that part of my comment, but in any event - the historic, literal deadest-horse of WoW trend for PvP server players to try and tell them why they are doing it wrong. Ya’ll enjoy world pvp, and that’s wonderful. Not everyone does.

I personally did it for over the last few years on Light’s Hope - and I’m not interested in PvP Servers anymore. I have better things to do when I’m online, like kill boars.

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Right, but that ship has already sailed. If they changed anything now it would do nothing. They would have to change the racials, then WIPE EVERYTHING and start over for it to matter at all.

Any scenerio where the match is off balance isnt fun. Whether they are 55 and you are 48, the game isn’t designed for that.

Even a 58 VS a 60 isnt going to be “fair”

You said you can make 100 examples.

Make ONE besides 60 VS 60 that is “fair”

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I’d be willing to be many of them would just right out quit if they lost their precious.

I keep small projects like socks and wash cloths in my lap for when I’m on a long taxi ride. So technically I knit while I play WoW.


Every other level in the game going against each other. Every class at said level versus every other class at said level. No need to list them out individually but there’s thousands upon thousands of PvP scenarios. Some aren’t fair, some are. Kind of like life.

Uhh I’ll take on any warrior thats within 5 levels of me. The game isn’t fair. It was never meant to be fair.

Sometimes you get so angry you totally forget what you were angry about. I’m simply wondering about faction imbalance. Replace all my instances of PvP with PvE and its the same question.

Retail wow got rid of pve and pvp realms. It didnt help faction imbalance


I like the idea of PVP, but I am up at 6:30 am every day and out the door by 7:30 am and I don’t get home till 6:15 pm. Then I play with my daughter and tuck her in by 8 so by the time i get on, I don’t have long to play and while I am doing it, I interact with my wife and so am mostly distracted. This is all to say that it is taking me long enough to level without the distraction of WPVP. I think PVE is good for people with no time on their hands. If I had time, PVP would be my obvious choice

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So once you are level 60 and geared out, you just repeatedly do molten core for kicks?

I mean what’s the point?

It’s like watching the same movie over and over and over. No matter how good it is it eventually gets old.

Pvp is always changing and although the moves are always the same, different people have different styles. Surprises happen.

Not just “ok at x% health this will happen so be prepared to do y” rinse and repeat.

I mean ok, to each his own. I think I’d rather claw my eyes out.

I could see this. Just playing on a PvP server I haven’t noticed a real hit in my play time from PvP. If anything, its extra content I’m going to go participate in w/o rewards. Probably am leveling slower, but it doesn’t feel like it.

No, I would not. If I want PvP, I go to battlegrounds, or I join a raid on Stormwind. I don’t want to deal with ganking and all that drek when I’m trying to quest.

This. PvP still happens on Normal servers. You simply have choice and agency in the matter.

Getting ganked by someone twenty levels higher is part of the PvP server experience, and everyone knows it. The reason everyone says ‘PvP happened on a PvP server’ when people whine about PvP stuff is because they CHOSE to go there, like choosing to move to a trailer park in Florida. You knew what you were getting into with hurricanes and Florida Man, so you don’t get to complain.

No, fewer people would play. The people who play PvE servers are there because they DO NOT WANT the hot mess that comes with PvP servers. To keep PvE people happy while removing PvE servers, you would basically have to eviscerate PvP in general, like making it so you can’t attack someone more than, say, 5 levels removed from you, or making it so you can only be killed by the same person once every few hours.


Put it this way, there is a reason the saying, “If you can’t beat em, join em” exists.

The thing is, balanced servers do exist. Why only some and not all? Why aren’t all servers imbalanced? I don’t know.

Removing PvE servers would probably make me quit the game entirely. It’s not “just lifts the protection”. It’s making my entire play time trying to level and quest anywhere in the world occur under the oppression of knowing someone out there might decide their fun ganking and corpse-camping is more relevant than my fun questing and farming.

I know of what I speak. I almost quit WOW in less than 2 months because I originally rolled on PvP realms. If there had been no PvE or RP-PvE realms, I wouldn’t be here because WOW would have been dumpstered for me in 2006.


I didn’t (EDIT: I mean this more in the sense “I’m not saying”) say some people don’t enjoy instanced pvp in this thread (but that’s not an untrue statement, either – just not one i’m advocating personally). I said some people don’t enjoy World PvP. So you can add BGs to the “doing MC repeatedly for kicks”.

If you don’t feel like instanced PvP/BGs is good enough or authentic enough, well – that’s a you thing, not an us thing. Sorry. Until Blizzard decides otherwise, or someone else is paying my subscription, I’m gonna play in the manner that I choose. :man_shrugging:


Nah, that’s when you work on an alt, either from another class, or on the other faction. Play through the quests and zones you missed leveling up the first time.

And there’s battlegrounds and city raids when you want some PvP.

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Perfect saying. This seems like the biggest drawback from removal of PvE servers. I’ve said before it doesn’t happen as much as one would think but just the idea of it can turn off people.

What if they removed PvP servers then? Faction imbalance wouldn’t be as big of an issue would it?

You know that people join PVE servers because they don’t want to engage in open world PVP, right?

Removing that won’t change faction balance. It would just result in a sh**load of players flat out quitting the game.

Those of us who are on PVE servers have no problems with PVP and many will do a little here and there, especially in battlegrounds. We are just aware that PVP servers are all about ganking and utterly one sided fights most of the time. We just don’t want to deal with that. Some people get their kicks engaging in that kind of behaviour, and that’s why PVP servers exist. All the power to them if that’s what they want.