That’s why WarMode is terrible, you give people a chance to run away from fights, they need to be forced to fight it’s a core part of Alliance vs Horde. ED was super balanced because of that and they fuked it by adding WarMode and Sharding. Bring back PvP servers or make WarMode last 1 week and give rewards to both factions and lock the shard to 40 per faction I’m pretty sure at this point Blizzard is capable of that and more.
Exactly why in my HYPOTHETICAL situation, PvE realms are removed.
I rolled on Atiesh because a friend rolled there. She hates PvP but somehow manages to NumLock run into every Horde area and get flagged anyway. I’ve no issue with being flagged but it scares the hell out of her that other players might be waiting to jump her!
I’m sorry but if theres no risk of me getting ganked by a ?? Rogue while I’m questing in redridge then whats the point of even playing the game?
All you gotta do is look at PvE Retail. Still imbalanced.
When you’ve flat out ignored and insulted everyone else for criticizing your “idea” and failed to remotely address us? Nah bro, that’s not how this works.
But since I’m a nice person, I’ll let you in on the secret. NO, no server will ever be “balanced”, and the idea of “balance” would only be relevant to a PvP server since you still insist on this idea that you aren’t just in it to gank lowbies. Balance means nothing on a PvE realm, and players will always be attracted to the side that has the most people to play with. More guilds, more progression opportunities.
Hell you say that you only PvP once a week, so why are you on a PvP server? Seems to me like you DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’RE ARGUING ABOUT.
At the end of the day, people will ALWAYS regardless of faction “balance” go to a server that matches their chosen faction. There’s just more opportunity for you there. Balance isn’t a thing, and the sooner you stop lying to yourself about the reasons you’re on a PvP realm and talk like balance is a thing you want or care about, the better of you’ll be.
This. This is why I said remove PvE. My retail toon is Alliance on Sargares and let me tell you how balanced that realm is.
Pretty sure theres a handful of realms that are between 60-40 split. Adding you to mute list too heads up.
You want more imbalance?
Question then, since you AGAIN seem incapable of answering any counters to your “points”.
What purpose would “Balance” serve on a PvE realm? What does it serve on a PvP realm?
You’re arguing about wanting something that has no use in one version of the game, and notwanted in the other.
No, you want to “balance” them, and I said removing any Server type doesn’t “balance” anything. Removing PvE Servers is going to hurt the company. 'Cause there’s a lot more PvErs that play WoW as opposed to PvPers.
And you’re telling me I don’t understand the game. That’s laughable really.
former PVP realm
Did not know that, I went there in Warlords when it was already 95% alliance. I only did PvE in Retail too for the most part.
Removing pve servers would just make everyone roll/transfer to the dominant faction on them server.
It would make it worse.
Don’t think of it as removed but never an option. Realms on day 1 are all the same.
Didn’t answer a question, AGAIN. You’re a trash person dude.
Realms were still PvP and Pve in Warlords. Any other lies you care to toss out?
If you can’t even get your story straight, your timelines straight.
No longer an option = removed.
I would assume everyone else is rolling Horde and do the same.
Worst idea I’ve seen on these forums and that’s saying a lot. “Hey, let’s remove the way a lot of people prefer to play the game with the hope it may helps us!” Spoiler Alert: it won’t help you.
That’s the benefit of being on the overpopulated side of a pvp realm though- you don’t have that option if you’re on the outnumbered side.
If anything, you should be asking for pvp realms to be removed. If pve realms are removed- then people who do not want to pvp have zero options, if you’re in the world you’re forced to be pvp (and you being on a server that’s basically a pve server for Horde because of balance makes you pretty hypocritical here).
If pvp realms are removed though- you can still flag on, meaning you have to choice to pvp or not pvp. You can open world pvp on a pve server, if you want to. Frankly, you might even get more world pvp on a thriving pve server than on a faction dominated pvp server.