It doesn’t force YOU to participate. You can lay down and die and run back. You take no durability, it cost no gold to respawn, you don’t lose any xp either. You could fight back, heck, you can even start it if you want. You can avoid PvP areas and stick to green zones. There’s ways to avoid it. I play on a PvP realm and guess what, shocking revelation, I don’t PvP but maybe once a week.
Again, I picked removing PvE realms because PvP realms being removed seemed like it would have people quitting before the game came out if they couldn’t open world pvp, not so much PvE is really unaffected.
If the game came out w/ no open world PvP, people would be less inclined to start it versus a game where PvP happens but PvE content is unaffected.
It does force you to participate. You lose the worst thing, TIME. You have to run back from a horrible graveyard system. A single death could cost you 10 minutes. What happens if some toolbag camps you? You lose a half hour to running back, then log off.
Most “friendly” zones are gone by level 20. Again, you clearly don’t even have a gasp on the thing you’re trying to argue. Just stop.
That is still PvP. Plus, you waste your time. In the case of wow, time is literally money. It’s a few minutes you could be doing something you actually enjoy, that you are spending running back to your corpse because someone camped you.
I love PvP servers, I play in one. But forcing people who don’t care about it at all to play in them is a jerk move.
Spoken like a real moron that doesn’t actually know anything about the system, just somehow thinks that PvP is the only thing that matters. Because being “bad” is going to affect some douche rolling by 20+ levels above you and one shotting you, right?
You’re a goof, your idea is trash and you need to stop. You DO care, very much about the type of server it is, because you’re getting monumentally butthurt that even PvP server players are telling you that this post and your idea is stupid and a jerk move.
Your original post STILL shows that you’re trying to argue (poorly) that somehow forcing everyone onto PvP servers is the only logical thing for population. It’s been quoted so even if you edit it, we can still see that you honestly think that the best thing for ALL of Classic is to be forced to take part in something that we don’t want to.
Still haven’t REMOTELY addressed my point that the exact opposite should be true. At least be honest that you’re desperate for someone to tell you that you’ve done good, so you play a PvP server to gank lowbies to feel better. At least then I might understand why you’d post something so unnecessary and dumb.
If I am being killed or attacked by another player, that is the definition of PvP. So again, how am I not being forced to PvP if I am forced to play on a PvP server.
Unless you don’t consider ganking a form of PvP either. Low-levels have no chance when attacked on a PvP server and many just roll over and die. If they complain, they are told “it’s PvP, that’s what you signed up for.”
So no, not fighting back and just dying doesn’t make it any less PvP. Sorry, try again.
Just as many, if not more, would quit or not start if they couldn’t play on a PvE server. Look at what happened in BfA with warmode. So few players turned it on, despite the claims that PvP is so popular, that Blizzard has to bribe players to turn it on.
And if Classic came out without any option to play strictly PvE, people would be less inclined to start it versus a game where they had the choice to play strictly PvE. It goes both ways.
AFAIK, the rewards for turning it on are… an extra talent to use in PvP, and the side that is disadvantaged gets boosted a little.
However, you do see people forming groups, sometimes even raid groups, to swarm an area and loot and pillage everything in the name of “Red is Dead”. However, balancing is an issue, since it seems that Horde are drastically more fans of War Mode than Alliance are, from what I’ve heard.
That’s more or less what I’ve heard as well. And that’s totally cool. Hell at least in that scenario, people who WANTED to do world PvP, enabled it of their own volition. Blizzard didn’t hide the fact that once they listened to all the loud people asking for it, once they enabled it, it was FAR less people taking part then they were expecting. I don’t know if it’s due to more Horde wanting to PvP (Likely a good portion of the reason), or because loud people just want to cry for things and then never actually take part. I’d lean on the latter.
Historical WoW data would indicate it would send almost every player on the servers changed to pvp to either other games or retail. You cant force people to play the way you want them to.
Sheesh, you pvpers can’t even balance your own servers and you guys ‘claim’ to like pvp. You expect us ‘carebears’ to save wPvP? Nah, like most pvpers we’ll just roll our characters on a server where our desired faction is dominant… only we’ll be doing it so that we can minimise the impact of pvp on our pve and not because we want at least 4 to 1 odds in our favor.
Face it. It is the destiny of most pvp servers to eventually wind up pve in all but name only. PVPers don’t want to fight, they want to win.
The horde are bigger fans of warmode because there was a problem with sharding early on that blizzard admitted wasnt how they intended it that skewed the populations to about 6 or 7 to 1 in the hordes favor. By the time they fixed it most alliance was so put off that it took blizz adding a quest with a reward to make us even bother (which set off a whole new cycle of anger.)