ITT: OP is a tool, avoids answering criticisms of his idea, and very clearly has no idea what he’s arguing about, or why.
Quote saved for future generations to learn about what NOT to do to if you want to avoid looking like a damn fool.
ITT: OP is a tool, avoids answering criticisms of his idea, and very clearly has no idea what he’s arguing about, or why.
Quote saved for future generations to learn about what NOT to do to if you want to avoid looking like a damn fool.
What a stupid suggestion
This is the reality. Turning all servers into one type does not, I repeat, does not, balance servers.
Never an option? what are we all going back in time?
I moved a very important part of my original post near the top of it.
So you’re a troll then? Then 0/10
I’m just asking a general question to the general discussion. It was just shooting the breeze. It was never meant to be literal but I see I upset a lot of y’all.
Maybe you shouldn’t have been trolling as hard as you did earlier in the thread, then maybe this explanation would float.
Initiating mak gora over someone tagging a boar you wanted to kill would diminish the significance of mak gora
Wasn’t trolling before. Just had someone say they play a very limited time but are level 60.
Whats your /played still!! Please, its killing me!!
A) You said remove, twice, and B) No, removing any Server type, doesn’t magically balance servers. Like I’ve been saying.
Your title even says “removing” PvE Servers. Unless you take that back…
Not a discussion when you toss out insults as SOON as someone disagreed, then refused to respond to any counter points. Not once anywhere in this thread did you respond to anyone’s questions.
So - Are you a really piss-poor troll, or a moron?
My bad on the wording. When I said remove, I meant they would have never been an option in Classic.
Better, but you have your answers in this thread.
My first go-round I played on PVP servers. I found WPVP to mostly be a bore with very occasional fun and exciting moments. Overall, WoW WPVP is not very good. I love PVP games, so I’m not PVP adverse. It’s just not good the way it’s implemented in WoW. 99% of the time it’s a gank with literally zero chance of an interesting battle.
This is why, this time around, I’m playing on a PVE server and I’m enjoying it a great deal. When I want PVP I log into Eve Online or some other games I enjoy that have fun PVP.
So to answer your question about imbalance, it’s quite hard to say. Would I play Classic if there were only PVP servers? Maybe. Would I stay Alliance? Probably not unless my realm was mostly Alliance. As with most people, I’d probably go to whichever side was dominant. I think this inevitably leads to imbalance.
Lol. Yeah because playing a different game mode makes you a tough guy.
Do you even lift?
So you admit PvE isn’t nearly as problematic to balance as PvP… and hypothetically suggest to do away with it?
Not at all. I’m simply saying on a PvP server, I can do everything that I would be able to on a PvE server too. Except maybe quest in peace.
It’s the same the other way around too, though.
Mmm, in a way. One side has a switch to toggle, the others is just always on.