Remnants of Valor now useless

So you give us tokens in raid for something you cancelled. Things are useless AF now. How about adding something useful to buy with them? Or let us do the xpac thing and get gold for them useless tokens.


I mean it’s fine if people have alts but yeah pretty much useless now.

If they have alts AND want to raid naxx on them

I dont even wanna go to naxx on my main :stuck_out_tongue:

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I raid naxx on 3 toons. =) Im ok with this.

I recommend they make a cache like what we have at the undermine real vendor, that you can buy with remnants, that can drop 2-4 of ANY Wartorn scrap, 1-2 Mooncloth, and 1-3 Rugged leather. Nexus crystals aren’t an issue due to the high amount of gear that is getting DE’d every raid.

400g per piece of gear is rough if you dont have a shaman to farm gold or get it from rmt,getting rugged leather or mooncloth from remnants would be ideal


Remnants are so easy to farm that these boxes would have to cost something like 5000 of them to not devalue everything else in the game.

This is so true, my guild has a naxx alt run, and I want to help out, but them upgrades are super expensive, lol…

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Absolutely not.

I do not need those, and I do not play an alt. Implement a better trade vendor. Rugged leather/mooncloth is a good idea since we got raked over the coals to make T3. Oils/consumes too.

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agreed. would help a lot for alts and even mains