Since the raid opened, we’ve closely tracked the performance of groups in Naxxramas at all difficulties. We’ve now concluded that The Seal of the Dawn item will stop increasing at Rank 7.
This means there is no increase this week, and you will not have to spend Remnants of Valor if you are already at Rank 7.
If you have additional Remnants of Valor, you can spend them on Argent Dawn Valor Tokens or send them to alts via the mailbox to upgrade your alts’ Seal of the Dawn or increase their Argent Dawn reputation through Argent Dawn Valor Tokens.
Eh, I was able to clear Mythic Naxx in a PUG run on rank 6…so if people still cant kill it with the overkill rank 7 seal…then I really don’t know what to tell ya lol…
would of liked to see the numbers continue to go up its sod why not let us have fun? kind of lame they made this decision on a Monday the day before we were going to seal 8
Yup I agree its a good change. Rank 6 seal honestly felt like a really comfortable difficulty. The amount of guilds that cleared mythic probably tripled/quadrupled with the Rank 6 seal, and infinitely moreso with Rank 7 seal. It made it a pretty big joke lol
My guild’s been clearing HM4 Naxx pretty easily already, but I still think you should allow for one more rank of the seal. Honestly, I think you should still go up to 10.
For guilds who want to keep Naxx challenging, add in a challenge mode that drops additional mounts at the end by restricting your seal rank. For everyone who just wants an in and out 20 minute loot pinata, let them go in with rank 10 seal.
I think I find it frustrating because people have been basing gearing decisions for the last 5+ weeks on expected seal levels. Capping it after a minor increase (even->increases are like 1/3 of the increase from odd->even seal levels) is also annoying.
Currently, there are only 9 guilds on WG-US that have done HM4 20 man. That feels like a low amount.
I guess there are a few guilds in the top of the top that are getting kills in the 40s range already, and even seal 8 would push that to 30s or less. Still, those are in the minority of the minority.
Pretty sure vastly more guilds were clearing BWL or AQ at this respective week in their phases.
To be fair, most aren’t playing in the 20 man category anymore. Almost 50 guilds have cleared it on 20+ Mythic Naxx on WG. Most just don’t want to deal with roster boss issues, myself included, and with the vast amount of loot that comes out of the raid, myself as well as many others have decided to go for 25 man rosters.
This is also the case even for heroic. If you look at the amount of people in the 40 man category vs 20 man category, you’d be surprised lol its flip flopped compared to previous phases.
Seal 7 was slightly too easy for my guild but I think it is probably in the goldilocks zone in that probably any 20-man raid guild can beat it if they roll up their sleeves a little bit and try.
Blizzard has said the intended difficulty is 20-man. Regardless of how people are playing it, the reality is that they are designing content and aiming balance around that group.
Having said that, I do think there are probably 20-man guilds that rested on their laurels and didn’t try too hard because rank 8 seal would completely trivialize the content for them. Now they’re going to have a little boot to the rump to get up and try a little bit.
Sod is a version of the game that will go away the seals ranks are cool and fun. I’m not saying I’m relying on rank 8 seal to have fun. I am implying that higher seals allows more fun. But I guess in your case we should just quit the game if we thinking about having a higher seal.