“The Forsaken dark rangers, led by Dark Ranger Clea, managed to take control over the abandoned Strahnbrad and used the village to launch guerrilla tactics against Alliance forces, including an Alliance army led towards Hillsbrad by Commander Ashlam Valorfist from the Western Plaguelands.”
it is quite arrogant to think only what the alliance did in Bfa is canon.
So. yeah both of these happen. The Horde conducts a geurrilla attack on the Alliance forces(and likely wins) but the Alliance counter attacks and roots the Horde from Strahnbrad(especially considering their is no mission table that states they managed to hold out/take it back)
And yet that is where we are at with Kohnila claiming the Horde’s mission table is canon while ignoring the Alliance mission table can also be as canon(and be a net wash for both sides in terms of territory)
I consider the mission you mentioned as canon as the one about Alterac City. I merely disagreed on its interpretation : I don’t think it proves that the Horde has effectively been driven out of Strahnbrad, and apparently other people think the same based on how the Wowpedia page deals with it
Maybe the Alliance has indeed taken over Strahnbrad though. I don’t think so for the reasons I mentioned but ultimately I don’t know. I have my own biases but I always try to argue in good faith
And I think you are both wrong. The mission table missions were all designed to either be 1) ignored. or 2) be done in a way that neither side got anything out of it. Hence, if for some miracle they do make Alterac city go Horde, they will probably make sure it means the Horde loses Strahnbrad.
Thing is that the table missions are canon since we have seen several developments from them confirmed. (see the exploring books).
And we have the Horde taking control of Alterac city in them and no counterattack by the Alliance for them, there’s only a single mission to do some scouting to see what the Horde is up to.
What’s unknown is the fate of Strahnbrad. But last we heard it was also in Horde hands.
And we have seen several of them not actually be canonical/never been talked about again in lore. Heck, Warden Stillwater is still alive in one of those missions! I don’t believe Blizzard really thought about them more then a “yeah this looks cool” second.
And again, assuming that is canonically, by this logic Strahnbrad has had its Horde forced rooted out, considering there is no quest to show them counterattack/take it back from an Alliance mission to defeat them.
It’s currently unknown. I don’t think you quite understand how it works. We don’t know if it was a success or not since we have no confirmative information.
Let me explain.
Mission exist from the table. This makes it so the thing is attempted, however we don’t know the canonical outcome from it as there is nothing to canonically support the outcome, however, in some cases we have additional information that show the earlier outcome.
In this case, we have the mission where the Horde attempt to claim and build up Alterac city, we don’t know the outcome of the mission alone, but in conjunction with the mission the Alliance gets to scout the area to spy on the Horde we learn that the Horde efforts were in fact successful.
Now in the case of Strahnbrad, we learn that the Horde use the town as a base for Dark rangers. But we don’t have any follow up missions or other info to confirm the outcome, so it’s currently in limbo, last actual canon info we have is that it was used by the Horde and they got in a fight with the Alliance army, but no outcome we know of.
We literally can complete it and have be a “success”.
Or more likely these mission table were all throw away lines and were never suppose to be taken serious. Again, we have Warden Stillwater as proof of that.
More like the order of events was the Horde mission happened first and then the Alliance mission(which was to clear Strahnbrad) happened second. Because this is how the two missions are described:
An army of Alliance soldiers from the Plaguelands marches towards Hillsbrad. Attack from the shadows to slow their progress.
Stillwater is odd, but don’t blame the mission table for that one, he returned back in legion.
literal game mechanic that means nothing on the lore validity on the outcome. You can also fail it. Not to mention we have other missions that you can get a success at but yet again have follow-up missions or lore that clearly show that it was a failure. Game mechanics are not lore. Simple as.
Unless you can produce an actual confirmation of the outcome, then it’s unknown.
I don’t consider that canonical either and just Blizzard being too lazy to remove him due to it being an event for just a month.
I would do the same with the idea about the Forsaken hiding/trying to take over Alterac City. Again, we have a mission table where we have it scouted. For all we know said scouts reported back and ultimately the Alliance managed to flush the forsaken out.
So yeah, my point being, I don’t think these mission table have any lore validity to them short of any additional supporting lore.
But something like that is not mentioned at all.
So how about we stick to canonical lore and not headcanons?
If you’re able to throw out any lore you dislike then it’s sure easy.
Truth is that the last thing we know is that Alterac city is in Horde hands, and for Strahnbrad was used by the Horde until they fought with the Alliance, where the outcome is unknown.
The idea the Horde was ever planning on retaking Alterac is no better then headcanon. Because the Alliance see it as them fleeing to Alterac rather then even building anything. So already there are two different lore “versions”.
The last thing we know is the Alliance sent agents to Strahnbrad where they likely suceeded.
But really, saying that Alterac city is in Horde hand is like me saying Gilneas is in Alliance hands. It ultimately does not matter and until we actually see something ingame or at least something more concret then a throw away line from the mission table ultimately mean nothing.
In the off hand chance the Horde does get Alterac City, I hope the Alliance gets to level it to the ground.
It is better, simply because we actually have a mission that says that the Horde is rebuilding and a confirmative mission to spy on said Horde in Alterac City.
The Horde heading (fleeing) for Alterac does not rule out rebuilding either.
This is simply sematics, and either way the City is in Horde hands.
It would not surprise me if they succeeded, but it’s currently unknown, still it’s Strahnbrad but not Alterac city though.
I doubt any faction war will happen soon again sadly.
Well at least briefly the Alliance was in control of Gilneas compared to the Horde during the fourth war, since they had enough of a military presence there to pressure the forsaken in silverpine etc.
Still for whatever unknown reason they seem to have abandoned it due to the whole Calia thing seemingly having Gilneas under Forsaken control again with the whole returning of Gilneas talk.
This is probably another proof that none of these mission tables are even canonical. Hell, if it was canonical then Tyrande would be a big hypocrite because the Alliance has been sending troops constantly to help keep Ashenvale in Alliance hands.
Yeah I’m going with canonical until explicitly told that they’re not, especially when we’ve seen that some are like the worgen gains in silverpine are confirmed etc.
The alliance needs a lot of things to make them interesting. For starters, they need some dubious characters that horde players can absolutely loath without feeling guilty about it.
And they need some narrative depth. The dwarves, gnomes and humans need some actual lore so they’re actually interesting to interact with and play. When people need to rely on their headcannon to keep things interesting, there’s an issue.
As for alterac, I suppose we’ll find out in a few years what’s going on with the place. Until than, all we got is a few confirmed lore tidbits to go off of
I think one of the best ways to have done something Alliance side with Alterac during the CATA revamp would have been after the Alliance lost the battle of Andorhal. Like after the battle when the Alliance is forced back to Chillwind, there could have been a new questline that started where you find out that Thurman Grant and the surviving Settlers from Westfall decide to push into Strahnbrad to lay claim to the small towns and farmland in Eastern Alterac.
I’ve always liked Thurman Grant as a character in that questline even if his role was very minor. But it would have been cool to hear him give some speech in Chillwind after the battle. That he and his fellow settlers sacrificed too much to come north to go back to Westfall empty handed. Plus it would have at least offered something interesting rather than the awful ending that was the Alliance’s defeat in WPL.