Presumably left and joined the remaining human kingdoms.
Personally revival of Alterac is bottom on the list of things I want to see.
Presumably left and joined the remaining human kingdoms.
Personally revival of Alterac is bottom on the list of things I want to see.
Why is that ?
These were the OG Alliance traitors. They were to the Alliance what the Twlight’s Hammer and Stormreaver were to the Horde. And I don’t see the Horde fans particularly asking for those two clans to be revived.
I second all of this. And I’m still bummed that Sunrock Retreat just became a town with no real reason to visit. I rather liked the place.
We’re not because the Twilight’s Hammer and Stormreaver are regular full-on villain organizations and Orc lore isn’t particularly in need of more full-on villains, we have plenty of that already.
Not only is Alliance-related lore in desparate need of shady groups and figures unlike the Horde, Alterac was also absolutely not a cartoon villain org in the same fashion as the Twilight Hammer and the likes. They weren’t even villains per say. They were a small and weak kingdom that believed they would never make it out alive if they remained in the Alliance of Lordaeron. They had a different, understandable reaction to the invasion of the Horde and were shunned as pariahs by the victorious Human nations. That’s super interesting and I want their perspective and modern culture and mindset to be explored.
Also, the traitors were but a bunch of nobles. The people had nothing to do with it.
Nah, the Alliance has just literally gotten rid of one of its more shady groups(the defias) it doesn’t need a new one.
There were those who did in fact follow him and the original lore was the Alliance had to fight them militarily/had to level the entire kingdom.
If the Alliance wants to rebuild something, it should go with Theramore and not Alterac . Let Theramore replace Alterac in the list of the 7 kingdoms and let that kingdom rot forever.
Lmao yes the Alliance had the Defias (who started off as a perfectly legitimate rebel group) and arguably the Scarlet Crusade (people who had their trauma exploited by a Dreadlord puppetmaster). Want me to make a list of all the Horde race villain groups in history ?
Human lore is “Hey, we have some bad guys too”. Orc lore is “Hey, we have some good guys too”. It’s always been like that
Oh but I’m not suggesting that Alterac should join the Alliance. In fact, I think it’d make more sense for them to establish diplomatic relations with the Horde.
Even better reason for the Alliance to make sure that kingdom remains in ashes.
I mean, the thing is Alterac Valley is pretty much fully under Horde control currently (Strahnbrad, Alterac city, Frostwolf lands…), so I think the Alliance is in no position of doing that rn
You know the Alliance retook Southshore and Aerie Peak is a stones throw away. I doubt the Alliance would simply let the Horde do anything to Alterac City(which last I recall was infested by ogres)
As for Alterac Valley itself, I am not sure we ever had an official status on the place/that the Horde officially won it.
Those BfA missions are of dubious canonicity at best.
The Horde took over Alterac City in BFA. We haven’t gotten any news since so until stated otherwise it’s currently under Horde control. Several lore elements first brought by BFA missions were proved canon later on
I mean, driving the Frostwolves away was the mission the Stormpike Guard was given. That’s the reason why they were sent to Alterac in the first place. Since the Frostwolves are still there as of DF, even claiming they’ve been living in peace in the valley for years, it can reasonably be assumed that they won, or at least that the Stormpike Dwarves left the area
And other missions proved to be a nothing burger. Besides, there was a mission for the Alliance to scout it. For all we know, the Alliance went there afterwards and cleared the place of Forsaken. Heck, at the very least if you want to claim that as canon then the Alliance can claim it canon it wiped out the Horde in Strahnbrad.
Or that the Stormpikes, like say the Warsong Outriders, are simply at their borders, not in open hostility but not about to leave either.
I know about that mission. Wowpedia uses it as a source to state that Alliance attacks were launched against the Horde forces stationed there but still classifies Strahnbrad as currently Horde controlled, interpreting this quest as a way to say that the Forsaken repelled the attacks, so I guess it’s open to interpretation whether the Alliance effectively rooted them out or not.
The Stormpikes weren’t to establish permanent settlements in Alterac. They were tasked with driving the Frostwolves away. If they failed to do that, I doubt they would stay there.
Which is an arbitrary call on whoever made the article. Again we don’t know the status of Strahnbrad or Alterac city and like everything else in WoW will probably not be relevant until Blizzard decides to make it relevant.
Why would they leave though? Especially considering having a base of operation deep in Horde territory would be quite important for the Alliance. Look, last we checked in Legion, Vanndar(along with the three other leaders of the Battlegrounds) were present to congratulate the player.
Look I’m not saying we’re dealing with incredibly solid lore confirms here, we obviously aren’t, Blizzard will only give us crumbs. Hell freaking battle for Stromgarde had its outcome revealed in a Q&A or a tweet of some sort.
We can only speculate based on what we know. As for Strahnbrad, I do assume that it’s Horde-controlled until stated otherwise, seeing that post-Fourth War geopolitical map Azeroth is basically what it was back in Cataclysm (the Exploring Azeroth books’ only purpose is essentially to give some shaky lore justifications to the frozen state of the map), and there’s a Horde flight master in Strahnbrad since Cata, so…
But yea ultimately we don’t know anything for sure. I hope it all gets addressed soon
And I can do the same and assume Alterac City is a no man lands and the Horde will not get their grubby paws on it any time soon.
I was talking about Strahnbrad. Alterac City is different because we actually have recent and uncontradicted information according to which it’s Horde controlled. Now you’re free to dislike it
And this same information you are basing the status of Alterac City on is coming from the source where I said the Alliance routed out the Horde presence in Strahbrad(the Horde version does not have one where they repel said routing so I assume it is canonically they got rooted out). So make up your mind, either the Horde did take Alterac City but lost Strahnbrad or both are non-canonical and really have no basis.
Frostwolf Clan wasn’t involved in anything and didn’t follow Thrall to Kalimdor. Their peaceful ways paid off.
going by table missions Alterac and Durnholde were about to be resettled by the Forsaken.