Remix Retrospective: 1 week in

Some random thoughts. First, things that have been a positive:

  1. Raiding from level 25. Please carry thi sforward;
  2. No gold or rreally trade of anything of value. Why is this good? It means the game hasn’t descended into selling boosts;
  3. SoD-like ability variety with gems. They’re tedious to change over but it’s good to experiment. The tinker/cogwheel/meta gems change your spec less than they do in SoD;
  4. There is some help for alts levelling. It can be argued if +100% is enough but it’s better than nothing. The other +stats make a big difference too.
  5. An alternate path to getting certain MoP cosmetics. Some people are mad about this. Those people are wrong. I say this as someone who already has all bu t1 of the MoP mounts. I don’t care if someone else saves up Bronze to buy those mounts;
  6. Daily lockouts.


  1. The Bronze exploiting. For frog farming in particular, that was a thing in MoP originally.
  2. The gear upgrade costs. Insane. Absolutely insane for a 3 month LTM.
  3. Improving achievement and quest rewards WITHOUT making it retroactrive. This is inexcusable;
  4. Requiring all heroic dungeons for one of the pieces of jewelry. This is a bit much.
  5. Requiring Normal+ for all raids for the neck is a bit much.


  1. Increase Bronze gain rate. Probably not by a huge amount but it should probably be a little bit better (IMHO);
  2. GREATLY reduce gear upgrade costs. The goal for maxing out your gear should probably be less than 200K total for all slots combined;
  3. Make jewelry achievements account wide;
  4. Make interim versions of jewelry eg a blue (2 slot) piece for clearing all normal dungeons or normal scenarios. These can be the same item so you can’t equip the rare and epic versions;
  5. Require lesss raids and dungeons for the respective jewelry pieces (eg 5/9 dungeons, 3/5 raids).
  6. Split Heroic/Mythic raids into wings. Put them on the raid finder. This is 2024. Nobody has the time or interest to clear the 13 bosses in SoO. Those days are over. Stop clinging to this 10-20 year old idea of WoW. It’s gone. Get over it;
  7. Cosmetics requiring Garrosh kills should either have that requirement removed or the bit should drop from LFR Too.
  8. Rare+ gear scaling seems to be really off. Like an ilvl 70 rare piece will only have the difference with a green piece eing +1 Primary stat. So Rare+ really has no value until you reach level 70.
  9. You need to roll back excessive Bronze gains from exploiting. Yes, this requires work so I know you don’t want to do it (just like retroactive achievement/quest rewards). But it’s the right thing to do so just do it.
  10. There should be diminishing returns with super-high threads and gear. Such a person shouldn’t do 20x as much damage and have 20x the HP of a fresh 70. That’s just silly.

I’m glad Blizzard has tried Remix and I hope we see it for other expansions in the future but Blizzard, you need to get past the idea that you have to spend 400 hours grinding out cosmetics. It’s OK if someone spends 50-100 hours playing, gets what they want and moves on. Not everything has to be a tortuous grind.

It’s OK to give out cosmetics without WoW being a full-time job.


People are selling MoP: Remix “services” on DF realms.

Tip: you can do all the heroic dungeons by the time you reach level 40, and with the jacked up scaling, you’ll actually be in no real danger of failing and probably end up carrying the 70s.

Right thing to do doesn’t matter. They’ll argue in the same breath that this is a limited time event and gear doesn’t transfer to DF, but further allowing players to amass bronze quickly and instantly upgrade their gear hurts the content.
Also, they aren’t going to risk acting against the crew across the pond, it might hurt viewership.