Remix Retrospectcive: 2 weeks in

Following on from Remix Retrospective: 1 week in:

The good:

  • Raiding at 25. Still a fan.
  • No gold. I’m such a huge fan of this. You actually get some community spirit and people doing raid carries. On retail, this would just be more people selling carries and spamming trade chat. Now I realize people on retail are spamming selling Remix services and I’m sure people are buyign them but this extra step seems to cut down on paid services by such a massive margin.
  • I like scenarios, at least in concept. Some are kinda annoying to do but the big plus is that it’s content you can immediately queue for. This is a real issue for DPS who are used to 10-40 minute queues for things;
  • Making the jewelry achievements account wide was such a good change.
  • Gear upgrade discounts for already having that ilvl in the slot are steep and this is good. Please do this in retail. The flight stone discount isn’t anywhere near sufficient.
  • Just Bronze to upgrade. There are no crests (and enchanted crests) AND flight stones. Seriously, Blizzard, we don’t need both. Get rid of flight stones.

The bad:

  • The frog nerf really wasn’t a nerf at all. It reduced cloak strength and did nothing about all the gear upgrades already bought. Blizzard, you may as well not have bothered;
  • Hyper spawns. Blizzard, how many years has it been? Anytime you can trigger hyperspawns, bad stuff happens. There are spots in Nazmir to this day that are full of bot druids farming hyper spawns. You could solve so many problems by just making hyper spawning impossible. If necessary, just shard people.
  • Level 60 or so to level 70 up until you dump 200k+ Bronze into upgrades jjust plain sucks. It sucks in every way . Even normal dungeons will 2 shot you. Getting through this grind is the worst part of Remix. Even the ridiculous upgrade costs wouldn’t matter if you didn’t feel like a random badger could still 2 shot you at 70;
  • There isn’t sufficient diminishing returns on gear and cloak upgrades. Someone who is all 556s shoulldn’t be 50 times better than a fresh 70. It should be maybe 5-10x better.
  • The high gear upgrade levels should be more expensive in the early weeks as a catch up mechanism
  • There’s no upgrade discount for already having that ilvl in a slot on your account like there is in retail. There should be.
  • 13 boss dungeons still suck, even when you have froggers clearing them. That makes them beraraable. Please stop with this. Nobody wants 10 boss raids. It’s time to let go.
  • Gating the neck behind a Normal ToT and SoO clear is bad. Make it from LFR, drop those 2 raids from the requirements or make it 3/5 instead of 5/5. This needs to change. The grief people have from people trying to get their first ToT and SoO clears is a negative.
  • Jewelry should upgrade somehow

For the future, you want to stagger out the content a little more. Instread of finding an exploit and clearing Mythic SoO on day 5, it should take a few eeks. If people want to grind, let them, but it should be more expensive to get there sooner (see above about penalties to early upgrade costs as one suggestion).

It should be easier to catch up later.

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I agree with everything you said except for this part :dracthyr_love_animated: I haven’t hit the 400s yet on my gear but it’s intended to be an exponential increase. It should absolutely be powerful asf that’s what we all came here for. Sure it absolutely feels bad being in the lower rungs while others are just melting through things but I feel that a 3-month event is more than enough time for just about everyone to get at least one character to face-melty status. Making an upgraded 70 significantly weaker well… there’d be very little difference between remix and retail at that point, where mythic raid and high-end m+ players are already 10 times stronger than a fresh 70.