Remix: Mists of Pandaria - Additional Character Slots

From what it looked like to me just now, you can create a character on the Pandaria “timerunner” server the same way you could on a regular server, having however many characters it can hold, or your account has left to be able to make (current cap is 60.) Or it might allow one to go well over 60, but then you’d have the hard choices to make for who gets transferred to regular WoW after the event.

But I don’t think you have anything to fear about not both you and your daughter getting characters! They said that this would be a great opportunity to level up quickly a bunch of alts, so that also hints at getting plenty of room, at least temporarily.

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I really hope there will be some clear and direct replies from the blues on this issue.

First of all, I know for a fact that even the account characters limit is currently at 60 characters, but Blizzard does ALLOW you to go over 60 characters under very unique situation.

That unique situation will be : if you have created some characters VERY LONG time ago in some realms and you have not logged to such realms probably in the last 1-2 expansions, the number of characters (like 1 or 2 or 15) in the realms selection screen will be disappeared, but your characters will never disappear.

The character limit 60 is only based on the number total showing on the realms selection screen. So if you have reached 60 characters limit and then you go back to some of those realms that you had a characters before, you are allowed to go over the limit to keep all the existing characters.

So my question is this : if my account already reached the max limit of 60 characters, and I will create 10 more new characters in this mode and once it ended, am I allowed to move all these 10 characters to retail and my totall characters will become 70 and I wont be FORCED to delete any of those 60 characters?

Would like more character slots too! Dont make me delete


I realize I’m probably in the minority of players but I’ve got multiple accounts and I’m maxed out on characters across all of them. So if there are no new character slots, I guess I won’t be able to participate in Remix. That’s a bummer.

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Same. I’m either going to have to delete then recreate one of my lower levels or forgo participating, which is undesireable because I planned to do this with both my husband and mother as they’re new to WoW and experiencing Pandaria would give them a good experience as a family. :frowning:

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With the Dark Heart patch, we will increase the maximum number of characters that can be created on a WoW account from 60 to 65.

Have fun!


Is the cap per server still 50?

Thanks for this!

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The server cap went away ages ago.

it is 50 max on 1 server and 10 extra on any other server right now.

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Good stuff, thank you. Current cap was way too limiting.

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Are you sure? I thought they did away with that when the account limit increased to 60.

Did some googling. Apparently after they announced the no cap per server it wasn’t working. And remained 50. But apparently it got fixed.


Thank you. <3

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I can confirm it is not. I have had 55 characters on a single realm (I’ve since downsized).


thank you so much, im surprised i miss this! happy its on 1 realm now



You guys rule! Thank you so much!!


Could you please increase number of characters by 70 in the war within please :pray:

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I thought you fellas could not provide that, that’s why the original line was removed.

What changed the mind for the team?

5 is not enough considering we will eventually get new allied races and evoker classes.

Thank you!