Remix: Mists of Pandaria - Additional Character Slots

When this article was first put up, it mentioned additional character slots:

Creating Your New Identity

Create a new modern World of Warcraft character to undertake your adventures in Pandaria, collect a variety of powerful new items and transmogs, then take your transmogs with you when you continue your adventures in World of Warcraft®:The War Within. Additional character slots will be available so that you have room for your new fully leveled and fully geared hero to join you in your continuing adventures through the Worldsoul Saga™. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event.

(Thanks T)

Then it was edited to remove that portion:

Creating Your New Identity

Create a new modern World of Warcraft character to undertake your adventures in Pandaria, collect a variety of powerful new items and transmogs, then take your transmogs with you when you continue your adventures in World of Warcraft®:The War Within. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event.

Any particular reason why? I know it still in development, but that was quite a big change.


I hope this post gets some form of clarification. I was so excited for new slots + this event, because it meant I could make new alts without having to delete existing ones.


I completely agree with this. Blizzard, please, please, please address the character slots <3. Additional ones are needed for those us that will love this mode the most!


My concern is the class ensemble thing.
If you have to level characters of a particular class to obtain each one individually, that’s going to be a lot of extra slots being taken up.

I can deal with just having 1-2 characters in general for the event, but I do like collecting limited time stuff so the cap is a concern for that.


I don’t even mind that so much (cycling through deleting the same small handful) although I understand your concern. For me, my concern moreso stems from the fact that altoholics (like myself) will likely have to delete a character just to participate at all now, and even then they’ll either have to delete multiple (like you mentioned) or be unable to keep the character/s that they may want to take with them from this event into retail.

Also, for anyone doubting this:

It’s still in wowhead’s article about it, which was a direct quote of the forum post.


It was hard to find, but definitely still there:

Additional character slots will be available so that you have room for your new fully leveled and fully geared hero to join you in your continuing adventures through the Worldsoul Saga™


I really hope we can get a blue post or comment here. This feels like it’s going to be a huge oversight if we can’t get more slots for this.

Another thing they could consider is allowing us to “clone” or “branch” a current toon into MoP Remix at level 10. Then when the event is over, merge that character back in. That’s imo a pretty good fix for people who want to do this “on their main” too.

Considering they mentioned it initially and then removed it from the post, I’m personally betting it wasn’t an oversight so much as a “This is a good way to get people to buy a second account” cash grab-- but hey, maybe I’m wrong, and I’d like to be in this case.

I’m hoping they reverse the decision that led to removal of that information from the post, and raise the cap. I was already hoping for a small cap bump when the new class/race combos finished coming out for the same reason I now have for wanting it, so that I can work on the alt army I’ve already begun rebuilding without having to delete and re-organize professions for a few new additions.

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Most likely a change in development plans. IIRC, they said that they won’t be adding character slots for War Within’s launch, so maybe the Remix: Mists of Pandaria’s article was initially written when they had plans to increase the character slots for War Within and since the unveiling of 10.2.7 the plans for increasing character slots have been delayed or cancelled due to technical issues.

So no, we aren’t getting more character slots anytime soon. Probably not before 11.1 at the very least.

I’m really satisfied with my idea to allow for cloning or branching of pre-existing characters. That really does solve two problems at once.

My daughter is Eight and Pandaria is her fav thing…

My question is, is this going to be similar to character creation in Plorm, or will we be able to play alts in Pandastorm?

If it’s a choice between her character and mine, she’s going to get the slot. But I’d like to play it also.

Full details are in the article

“From the realm Character Selection screen, players will be given the option to create a new WoW Remix character, beginning at level 10, which will only be able to play with characters taking part in the event.”


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But if it’s just an option next to the name on the realm, like the toggle for SF in Hardcore, you would think you’d be able to play alts. But in that article it literally says you can create “A” toon with said icon.

It’s the wording of that that is fuzzy (like everything that Blizzard writes at this point, they always come out with clarifications after the fact over multiple retractions and clarifications.)

I always presume illiteracy nowadays, and am seldom proven wrong.

Not sure what is “fuzzy” about it? You will choose a “remix” character on the character select screen on a realm of your choosing, it will start at level 10 and you can only play that character on remix, when the event is over, you can move it to that realm on retail, and play it as you do all your other characters.

They also said “all” characters, then proceeded to use the singular terms. Tense matters a great deal.

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While I agree with some of your concern on the language of the basic statement using singular tense for all individual actions, further down it states:


You’ll also be able to earn an Artifact cloak that gains permanent power increases as you play. Power you earn on your strongest character is shared with alternate characters created for the event to make leveling even faster.

There would be no point in this statement, or the Timerunner’s Advantage buff, if each person could only create a single character for the Remix.

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I honestly suggest that if you can download and access the PTR, you need to begin submitting tickets via the bug tracking system requesting further information on this. Maybe if enough people actually ask for a clarification via the PTR, they might give us one.

From what it looked like to me just now, you can create a character on the Pandaria “timerunner” server the same way you could on a regular server, having however many characters it can hold, or your account has left to be able to make (current cap is 60.) Or it might allow one to go well over 60, but then you’d have the hard choices to make for who gets transferred to regular WoW after the event.

But I don’t think you have anything to fear about not both you and your daughter getting characters! They said that this would be a great opportunity to level up quickly a bunch of alts, so that also hints at getting plenty of room, at least temporarily.

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I really hope there will be some clear and direct replies from the blues on this issue.

First of all, I know for a fact that even the account characters limit is currently at 60 characters, but Blizzard does ALLOW you to go over 60 characters under very unique situation.

That unique situation will be : if you have created some characters VERY LONG time ago in some realms and you have not logged to such realms probably in the last 1-2 expansions, the number of characters (like 1 or 2 or 15) in the realms selection screen will be disappeared, but your characters will never disappear.

The character limit 60 is only based on the number total showing on the realms selection screen. So if you have reached 60 characters limit and then you go back to some of those realms that you had a characters before, you are allowed to go over the limit to keep all the existing characters.

So my question is this : if my account already reached the max limit of 60 characters, and I will create 10 more new characters in this mode and once it ended, am I allowed to move all these 10 characters to retail and my totall characters will become 70 and I wont be FORCED to delete any of those 60 characters?