[Remix] Kirin Tor Offensive achievement not awarding

I just finished the Kirin Tor Offensive rep, reaching exalted from turning in Lesser Charms of Good Fortune, however the Remix: Pandaria achievement did not proc. I had earned the “Warband” version of this achievement previously.


Same thing here, no proc for Remix: Pandaria achievement


Ditto. Awaiting completion for both Kirin Tor Offensive (ID 19919) and Sunreaver Onslaught (ID 19920) on my Horde and Alliance toons that completed the Remix rep grinds. Submitted a ticket, got a canned response to check support articles, Wowhead/IcyVeins, Blizz forums, reset UI, and report a bug, all of which I’ve done. Saw no mention of it being worked on, or acknowledged in any fashion. Still have exalted August Celestials rep (ID 19913) to finish out and am going to be mighty disappointed when it, too, isn’t working correctly and I can’t get anything other than auto-reply.
Edit: checked and my ticket has been closed erroneously, and ALL archived tickets have disappeared. Tried to open a new ticket, and no drop-down for my character or realm anymore, which means I’m locked out of submitting a ticket for achievement issues. VERY frustrating!!


Same exact situation with me.


Same problem and I’m also worried when I finish August I won’t get that one either. Only 2 achievements I need for remix now…


Here is some info about what was going on when I hit the issue with this character on the 25th in the evening:

  • I was on the Isle of Thunder at the time. I had logged out there and logged back in to do my dailies
  • I completed a daily quest over by the troll area to hit exalted
  • I haven’t gotten this specific reputation to exalted before (Sunreavers) but I did the Kirin Tor one back in orginal MoP
  • I have noticed that when I chat in guild chat I don’t see the timerunner hourglass next to my name. I think I used to but maybe I just saw it for achievement notifications?
  • That same day (but early in the morning) I got exalted with Shado-Pan via a token from a Warbringer and I did get the proper Remix achievement for that reputation.

I hope this helps. That’s everything I could think of that was potentially relevant.

Same here. I got exalted by completing the lesser charms of good fortune turn-in, not sure if that is relevant. I also got a canned response from support. I have the normal achievement from MoP but didn’t get the remix one.


I also didn’t receive the achievement upon hitting Exalted…

Which is a bummer, since this was the most boring and time-consuming achievement in the whole Remix. :expressionless:


same here

Exalted with Kirin Tor but no credit for the achievement.

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I had obtained Exalted with the Kirin Tor Offensive on 7/26, and got the standard achievement at that time, but not the Remix version. Very frustrating when combined with missing appearances for the Cloak of Infinite Potential…


Same here.so 146/147 Remix pandaria achivements progress
Sigh, I got normal Kirin tor offensive achievement,but cant get the Remix version.


I was able to finish AC rep after the KT rep and was awarded with the remix achieve. Hope this alleviates any stress :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, you’re saying that the August Celestials remix achievement was correctly awarded to you, not that the Kirin Tor Offensive remix achievement was awarded to you after 11.0, right?

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Same issue here. Finished Exalted last night on my timerunner and got the normal achievement but not the Timerunner one, which was the entire point of doing it. That was my last remix achievement to get.

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In that case, it seems to specifically be the Isle of Thunder reputations, Order of the Cloud Serpent and the Landfall reputations that are bugged, because I was able to complete the Remix achievements for Shado-Pan and Golden Lotus last night.

Let’s hope this issue gets addressed before the end of the Remix.

Ugh, just hit exalted on Order of the Cloud Serpents and no achieve :frowning:
Turned in normal quests (not Charms) and it didn’t pop. Tried to log into another character and then back and still nada.
Makes me sad since I only have this and August Celestials left.

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Hope so too, particularly the Landfall reps, since that gatekeeps the quest chain, achievement, and class ensemble unlocks that are unique to remix. Would be a shame to punish those who didn’t get around to it until the final 1/3 of the event.

Though selfishly I just hate being stuck on 146/147 achievements, only because I missed the Kirin Tor Offensive achievement window by a day.

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Bump. The same happened for me. I also had to exit the game and then re-open it to receive the original achievement for Kirin Tor Offensive as well as I hadn’t completed it on my account at that point.

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Same issue with Kirin Tor Offensive Rep on Timewalker; Though I did get more than a canned response from an actual GM; I sanitized my name and the rep’s name from the message:

Hi My Name,

This is Game Master Reps Name, but you can call me Rep’s Preferred Nickname from Blizzard Entertainment at your service.

Thank you for taking the time in contacting us.

So, I have investigated your account thoroughly, to look for any potential bugs or glitches, however, it appears that some other players have experienced a similar error with not getting achievement Kirin Tor Offensive, and in which case, I would love to ask you to fill a bug report form, in order to provide our developers with as much information as possible to expedite the resolution process to get the challenge resolved.

You can do so by following this link: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/support/bug-report/17

Or to report a bug in-game by following the below steps:

1- Press Esc or click the ? Button to open the menu.
2- Click Support.
3- Click Submit feedback or bug report.
4- Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
5- Click Submit.

This in-game bug report feature is actually super useful in situations like this one, as it creates a kind of screenshot of what your character is doing and where you’re located. It also brings bugs to the attention of our developers just as effectively as a ticket without having to pause to open and fill one out and is sent directly to them, so it cuts out the wait time experienced by a ticket.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us about this challenge today.

You can submit feedback and suggestions for improving World of Warcraft in one of two places:

Our community forums. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/
Using the in-game “Submit Feedback” option that is found on the Support menu.

  1. Press the Esc key to open the Game Menu, and click Support.
  2. Click Submit feedback or bug report.
  3. Click Submit a suggestion.
  4. Follow the guidelines on the submission form, and enter your suggestion.
  5. Click Submit.

Please feel free to contact us if you ever needed any further assistance.

Omitting Reps Name
Blizzard Entertainment

TLDR: Do a bug report for the Devs.