Reminder! This is only a test!

Play dumb all you want. But the queue problem was known way before TBC launched and it was even seen in Classic.

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I’m sure they would have if people were actually switching to alliance, but that wasn’t happening.

Alliance players are rightfully upset that you retards want the game ruined for us. Seriously people like you don’t belong in a society I sincerely hope you never breed

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Blow me. I should not be punished for the choices of others to reroll Horde.

A simple solution that isn’t retarded would have been for them to offer free faction transfers from horde to alliance. anyone that actually cared about the pvp queue times over the massive amount of perks that horde have could just transfer and be done with it. Anyone that chooses not to transfer could stay on horde and enjoy the queue times. oh wow an actual solution that took 10 seconds to come up with and is far better than HvH bg

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Yeah you’ve confirmed that you’re scum

I care about your opinion of me, I promise.

Sure, but that’s assuming that bg que times are a major consideration when it comes to faction choice. I doubt that enough people would have used the faction change to offset the wait times, so the problem wouldn’t be fixed.

It doesn’t matter. Our que times are still instant. Let them have their bg’s. It’s just blue gear.

And your maturity level starts coming out… Nice comment there, you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Hey fork, how many PVE server Alliance di you think play BG’s considering horde queues are looooooong? And not all pvp server players play BGs.

Yea because, for example, Blood Elves hadn’t arrived and the intense scrutiny including the min/maxers hadn’t evolved to the point it has reached these days where everybody realised horde were given the good stuff.

Hmmmmm? for pvp if you are a pvper, odds on you would choose horde. And in pvp terms, they are the most popular… by far.

Welcome to the state of our country and being a liberal.

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Sounds like the test is going swimmingly. Within a month, we will have FvF battlegrounds and AV will be removed from the game.

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