Reminder! This is only a test!

“Making a point” is like super important to you isn’t it dude? You do realize you are trying to impress random strangers on an internet forum who care nothing about you, or me, or what anyone thinks, right? :joy:

Emergency Evacuation Protest

LOL that doesn’t even exist in Arena anymore.

I rolled Horde PvE on day 1 and Alliance had a 54/46 overall in Classic. Stop repeating this garbage.

If they are testing this hard and working hard to appease the feedback, they are going to introduce it .

This is about pvp … stop coming and dumping pve commentary

It’s also wrong the very first census that came out had overall very close to 50/50 it was most definitely not 54/46

People play BGs on PvE servers, you spoon.

And by the end, it was 54/46 on Either way, I didn’t “choose the faction that was the most popular.”

Educate yourself. the Horde to Alliance PvP numbers are 62/38 in favor of the Horde. Stop spreading misinformation.


  1. Gnomes with pink pigtails.
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Ok, I will give you that one thing. Both that is the only reason.

In TBC Classic, sure! That’s not what I was talking about.

Alliance were never the minority in vanilla Classic. I didn’t “choose the most popular faction” when I created my Horde character in August 2019.

And BGs were not even a thing in Aug 2019. Your post is irrelevant to the current discussion.

So you chose for whatever reason you did, you are not EVERYONE. Why does your one case of someone who made a choice before BGs were even open have anything to do with the topic of this thread and the Test event?

Its like you are searching for something to start a new argument about.

Because I was being punished by the choices of others to reroll Horde, made super easy by Blizzard’s boost.

Why should I have to “make peace” with other people’s choices pushing my BG queues to astronomical levels? Just stop!

Oh, I do not doubt that this system or something very close to it will be implemented. The concern will be when? This test event is going to leave a lot of people wanting.

Next week will be a hellstorm of Horde QQ threads when the queue system is turned back off so they can review the test results.

True. Gnome master race.

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They should have just allowed the queue times to continue. The amount of autism from Bliz with this change is overwhelming.

You should have to make peace with it because anyone that had an IQ above 5 saw this issue coming. You idiots are crying because you made your bed with s*** and piss so now you don’t want to lay in it.


We’re getting the changes we want, though. You’re crying about them.

TBC wasn’t even a sure thing when I made my Horde characters, but ok!

I could not agree more. This whole, it is unacceptable, or it is not fair, argument is weak.

It is like seeing a wreck in front of you in the right hand land of a 8 lane highway and choosing to stay in the same lane as the wreck then complaining that it was the wreck’s fault you got hit by it.

Anyone that had two brain cells to rub together saw this queue thing before TBC even went into pre-patch.

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