Reminder that rets are doing this

Don’t disagree at all with this.


I guess you aren’t aware how much burst UA + mind games together does when you channel a full inevitable demise. I don’t have to quit while I’m ahead, you’re so far behind I can’t even see you in the rear view mirror… lool


Don’t point out to him the high iq play of mind gamesing the healer with UA on it so he just kills himself instantly


Yup, go ahead and dispel to 1 shot yourself. Oh btw enjoy the stun + silence after MG wears off.


Bahahaha. Yeh ok channeling a full ID verse say you pressing a button and instantly dealing 22k dmg. You are reaching really bad here. Stop embarassing yourself by trying to compare my dmg WITH a shadowpriest verse the dmg in the video up there.

I did 10 3’s games last night and ALL of them had some combo of WW/Ret or Arms with another melee and 8/10 Hpal healers. Tell me more about shadowplay ruining your life


I mean just bc you can’t make it work doesn’t mean it doesn’t work lmao.

Really dislike when people take a thread and then just attack others for their own poor class design.
Yes lock is hard. Yes other things are easier.
Chillax my guy


Really cool man. Get all personal.

Good look

I really think Ret would be more enjoyable to play, and play against if they had just addressed what the community has been wanting since Legion:

  • more mobility
  • higher sustain, rather then burst
  • magic defensive options so casters can’t 100% manhandle us

Ret should be a support class. We should have strong heals that are casted (not instant cast) so there is a risk versus reward for getting kicked. We shouldn’t obliterate people because we stack divine toll, wake of ashes, and optional final reckoning all with wings and pray for RNG crits to obliterate people like we saw in the video.

It’s such a travesty of a spec that every expansion blizzard over does it with damage, we eat multiple nerfs, and then by the 2nd or 3rd season we become useless. The damage is to low once we get into later seasons, and they never buff us to compensate. It’s awful class design from an awful team.


I have 5% crit chance. UA dmg is like 8k if dispelled mpre often than not and mindgames goes unpunished if dispelled.

Healera dispell UA all the time

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Mindgames is only good on classes that don’t have dispell while you cc their healer. Or healer is stunned so they die unless they waste first global out of cc to dispell.

The scenario to get a good mind games off is actually pretty simple - just watch ground and get a cc on healer for insane burst.

Rets should only get nerfed on blind as the ability to do unrealistic holy damage while someone is disoriented is pretty Aut istic.

im about to pop combust on this thread


I’m amazed at how some retards have made a whole thread complaining about a single 17k Condemn crit (which happens once in a million games) when pallys can give out 20k crits like candy on Halloween lmao


Doesn’t matter if its a 1 in a million chance. it Should never happen at all.


This is 100% not posted honestly. I play warlock, and every healer I see still dispels multiple UAs every game. I’d venture to say that they pretty much dispel UA on cd, unless they are in serious trouble.

This is how it actually works out.

you all bring up a good point. Nerf dk


This is actually pretty insane I’ve rewatched the video like 5 times lol. Can somebody explain how he did that? I’ve never played a pally.


scroll up rethumtv explained it

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There is no way a ret can explain it and justify it. They may explain it, but that doesnt mean its fair or even reasonable


We never said it was fair, in fact if you scroll up you’ll see we both said it should never happen. Not even one time.

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