Reminder that rets are doing this

I have a fair bit of these guys on my friends list as well. Some are Rets, some are WWs, some are Hpals and they’re hitting new rating highs and complaining about specs that aren’t nearly as good as theirs on paper. It’s hard to not whisper at them with a “dude you’re getting beat not cause that spec is busted but because you suck mega butthole in comparison.”


How am I supposed to get glad without my class being op? I need this

The circumstances are perfect, they are all STACKED, he gets a triple crit with his toll, a crit on his final reckoning, and two verdict crits. And not one of them popped any defensives. No earthwall and no bubble. It is crazy how lucky this man is

Legit logged on and my friends list is all playing paladins. I do a random BG and 15/30 players were paladins (actually did happen, yes). And then just the banter between players where whichever team has the most paladins wins. Everyone seems to know and recognize they’re OP except for Blizzard I guess. I think moonkins are also stupid OP but that’s just comparing how much they bring to the table in RBG’s


Yeah. He’s crazy lucky. Normally Paladin would have only one shot one of them, maybe two.

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Moonkin is just BIS for RBGs, always has been, always will be. It’s ranged, it can sit bases, it can run at bases with stealth, it can flex to guardian for FC maps, it has an incredible CC repertoire, and it has great damage. Arguably the only spec that for the last 10 seasons that has been fine to take 2 of at all times for any map.
Also for the 6v6 tournaments I competed in if we could bring a 2nd moonkin in for the Gilneas and Temple of Kotmogu we would have.

It should have weaknesses. It does crazy damage and then goes bear and becomes a tank.

The frenzied regen endurance conduits make the spec almost impossible to kill if they can press bear when under 50%.
It’s also really oppressive for Rdruids. I had my auto frenzied proc last night and the 1 proc did 39.9k healing to me while I was in a stun. Felt like I was a pact spirit versa corrupted Rsham in BFA s4.


Yes, all 3 members of a team pop every defensive CD because ONE member of the opposite team pressed Wings, Trinket and Vengeance Shield. Fair trade, rofl.


Yes, because every member of a team should pop every defensive they have when one person on the opposite team pops their offensive CDs. Then when they survive that onslaught of 25k dps they can try to outlive the Priest and Warrior offensives and counterpressure while having nothing left to keep them alive.

Yeah, they should all have instantly trinketed the blind that doesnt break on holy damage, popped all their defensives and peels for the one ret paladin running at them.

10/10 comment, this dude 1200’s.


What else do you do with this unbalanced damage? They could have stunned him with lasso or cloned him. This moment happens once in a million with that luck, but the boomy convoke does the same if uninterupted.

We’re not talking about Moonkin. We’re talking about ret. Also, if you wanna say the first one is an outlier check out

Yeah like I tried to point out, a lot of those wins come from buff stacking + good crit RNG. You can do the same thing over and over not necessarily have the same results. It’s poor design through and through.

It’s frustrating on both sides. Frustrating as a player who just wants a consistently good spec with solid choices to respond to the enemy, and frustrating to the enemy who gets YOLO deleted by this crappy “blow all cooldowns in 3 GCD’s and pray for crits” design.

The “rework” (if you can call it that) that they did for SL was just bad. WOG healing being good is nice, but it needed to retain it’s max charges with a cooldown if it was going to do as much healing as it initially did pre-nerfs. Seraphim should of never been an option on the current row, or at all, but it should be competing for a spot on the final row of talents as another choice that adds damage to the wings damage window. Divine toll needs to be reworked to “always procs it’s 2 judgments,” but those additional hits should be unable to crit and be more about the holy power generation then anything else.


so its ok because its partly RNG? The buff stacking is irrelevant, what other class can do that simply because their partners used buffs on them? Just because thats a requirement for this to happen doesnt really mean much it shouldnt happen period for any class no matter what buffs its getting.

Plus the damage is so incredibly overkill and so high that the argument that “well its just RNG and his teammates threw him some buffs” is pretty meaningless, even if he didnt get THAT good of RNG, if only got merely “good” RNG instead of “incredible” RNG guess what…at least one of those people are still pretty much dead in a global. You only need to get good RNG on one person to win the game, and that isnt anywhere near as rare as the RNG he gets in the video, if I queue for a few hours and face say…10 rets in that time, its safe to say theyll get good enough RNG to just straight delete me or my healer like that 2 or 3 of those times. Today my hpal got deleted by an 8k divine toll triple crit followed by a 12k final reck even though he pre walled it once the pally popped wings in the span of pretty much 1 global and that doesnt require any crazy RNG. Even if its RNG based no class should be able to do 35k damage instantly like that, there is no counterplay when a class does that much damage that fast.

I know rets want to be good and viable but there needs to be some type of nerf there, and they obviously arent alone in needing a nerf.

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Ok Pinocchio.


Did you not read the part where I said it’s poor design to allow RNG crits + damage stacking to insta win the game? It’s just as stupid as Fire mage Combust doing obscene damage that isn’t kickable and OFF GCD, and convoke just RNG cheesing people if it isn’t immediately kicked/CC’d

Agree, Nerf DK and Rogue.

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No, it happened. We laughed about it for like twenty minutes. Legitimately had games where my frenzied was my top healing @ around 30%
It does 32% base + 19% additional healing +20% from the necrolord druid ability + Bear Form with full gear is 52k + I think its working with HoT Mastery stacking
love being called a liar
also here’s a screenshot just now I casted it 1 time myself and had 1 auto proc
half it 35k at least each one


So that’s not 39.9k then Pinocchio.

I love this clip so much. He was trying to formulate a strategy but accidentally monkeyed the entire team down and just laughed.