Why can’t all of you ret pallys group together and say retribution spec is absolutely broken instead of denying it and misleading others that nobody believes anyway?You paladins are straight delusional if you believe your spec is balanced in any form of way.Thank you for showing that you’re either clueless if you believe that ret spec is fine, and thank you again for showing your true colors of how corrupted of a person you’re for trying to justify something that is clearly imbalanced while being oppressive.These ret paladins don’t care about the game being better, they only want their one spec that they play as to be overpowered so that they can dominate anything in their way with zero effort while others specs struggle to be even close to their level of magnitude.
It’s always ret playing like its a pre patch or playing like it was left behind an expansion
I literally pointed out multiple times that the spec is hot doo-doo, poor design, and none of the changes they made to the spec are what the Ret community was asking for.
It isn’t fun winning based on hitting the RNG proc/crit lotto jackpot, and it isn’t fun for others to play against that degenerate style of play. This is precisely why Ret, Fire, Ele, and Boomy all need a rework that doesn’t revolve around exploding people in 2 gcd’s.
I got another boys
76% to deal in .4
pressed wings pressed divine toll WE GOT A HECK OF A PLAYER HERE
holy crap how does anyone defend Ret
Just so I’m not mistaken. Was that 20k worth of Judgements and a 10k auto?
Yup. 10chars
Meanwhile my auto is over here critting for 900 every 1.8 seconds.
That is most likely the reason that paladin had such a high auto.
lol says the monk with 2 min burst and can randomly kill someone
ret should be a burst melee spec with healing and lots of utility, but it should not be capable of on-demand burst with very little setup or damage taken. the spec’s name IS retribution, much of its strength should come from receiving damage or intercepting it from allies and enabling them to press big damage buttons. this is nothing new, it should return to this design philosophy. ret already has stuff like eye for an eye and shield of vengeance, as well as several pvp talents that reflect this design, and it should be emphasized far more. who the hell was responsible for final reckoning, divine toll, and giving them wake of ashes again?
who am i kidding just give ret an MS and 15 yard ranged autos right
Even if the stars aligned. Nobody should do this period.
Kind of another prove that the dev doesn’t really care about PVP because that divine toll is completely and only “fair” on PVE counting the chance of crit + triple hit
The burst is very strong, but nothing an ele / fire mage / boomy arent also capable of. The only difference is they all stacked and he played a meme build that only works if your opponents are dumb which is why he killed more then 1 target with that wombo combo.
Either way, a lot of these shadowlands specs are designed horribly for PvP because PvE is the only focus of the company. I’m sure most people can agree it would be more fun playing a game where every class is capable of strong sustain and has to use CC effectively to net kills.
God, you sound just like the BfA Destro Warlocks.
It’s nothing like BFA destro, BFA destro was able to consistently 2 shot at a whim with minimal RNG. And if you bothered to read I said it’s bad design.
You wrote a lot of words this entire thread when all you needed to say was “Yeah, Ret burst needs to be nerfed,” and walk away.
That’s not how balancing works. If they keep nerfing Ret burst (for the 4th time btw) and don’t adjust sustain to make up for it the spec will be useless.
That’s what everyone wants though. But hey it’s perfectly alright if a wizard can do this type of dmg.
Did murk reroll warlock and is still stuck in the 1200 brackets blameing gear and class designs?
Of course