Reminder -- Silithus Stress Test Today at 3:00 p.m. PDT / 6:00 p.m. EDT

Why should I help test your game for you?
Maybe your development team can do it’s job for once and stress test it internally.


or maybe they should just have the bots test it for them, I think there’s enough…


I’d be happy to test your game if you didn’t make it my responsibility to report bots because you guys fired all of your GM’s and cant run a game properly anymore.


revert the instances lockout per day

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Unfortunately we are too nervous to stress test your game. The latest “fix” you gave us forces us to track instance lockouts on a pen and paper to make sure we aren’t locked out of a raid. It includes instances to that count like BWL and Ony that have absolutely zero impact on botters.

We are worried that if we take part in your test you’ll leverage that into another “fix.” Maybe we can only use the AH 6 times every 28 hours to ensure no AH bots are active. Maybe our alts are magically reset to level one so we can “level the right way.”


Don’t help them test a game they have punished you for playing without cheating, while they allow the cheaters to remain unpunished.


The nerve. How dare you ask for our help with something like this after shoving this daily instance lockout garbage down our throats.


Ya know, people might actually be more willing to help if you actually did something about the bots clogging up servers and farming nodes at 4am.

Like why should WE put in more work if YOU guys refuse to do any yourself?

Damn it’s like the Blizzard version of that Friends meme where Phoebe is telling Joey what to do and he’s an idiot.

This. 1 billion times this.
how about you guys set an example by… doing something?
crazy, right?!?

stop ignoring the issue we’re all talking about?


I’ve been helping them for almost a year now with suggestions, bug reports, thousands of bot reports, warnings before they brought out bad decisions and then advice on how to fix it.

All to deafening silence and inaction.

We’ve had stress tests already- every tuesday evening there’s one in SW/Org when the head drops, and every time the stress test proves Blizz’s poor hamsters are overworked and likely underpaid.

Community just put thousands of posts into their 30 instance change, which Blizz ignored- just like everything else, just like half a year of having a 0% win rate AV, just like months of exploiters flying around.


Imagine having to sit here and ignore 90 percent of the replies to cherry pick one to actually respond to. Lmao sucks man, I don’t envy your job bro.


good, u’d just complain anyways, plenty of people will take your spot!

We inflated servers to 4-5 times their normal size, and can’t figure out why lag is present, help us please!

How about instead of your stress test you hold an AMA for the community you just created a divisive decision for? Do any of you even read these forums?

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Is this the only comment out of thousands you’re willing to respond to?


I’m shocked he responded to anything honestly, he must have learned his lesson tho, hasn’t said anything since.

When they split the east coast and west coast servers a while back in regards to BG’s, thousands of people were cheesed off as well, and many quit. We had a huge thread about it, and for over a month, there were ZERO blue posts. Then all of a sudden, they deleted the thread, and announced that the change was to be reverted.

Zero response for a month, their response was just fixing it out of the blue. So don’t hold your breath that they’ll respond to this issue, even though it’s ten times bigger.

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Shame! Address your community!