Reminder: Dragonflight Content Before the Weekly Reset

The problem is simple - insufficient hardware to handle the volume. Remember when the CEO Bobby merged servers and reduced hardware expenses by 50+%? It’s gotten worse, re-rolled software, miserable customer service, less hardware and superficial changes for the stake of change. Blizzard has talent, just substandard leadership

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The point is that Blizzard can’t deliver on promises. They screw the pooch with every launch. Would you do business with any other service provider such as this?

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Well here’s the neat thing about all that…

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Why do we even have levels any more when only gear score matters and 90% of the game content is aimed at max level toons?

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What blizz said “take your time bla bla”
What I hear “You have 20 minutes to get to 70! Or everyone will be ahead of you!!”

lol cant even play the game im not worried about next week, what will be done about today?


That’s very gracious, I like the fact there is no rush to 70… However, can we play the game and turn in quests without getting DC’ed? That would be superb, outstanding in fact. Or can Blizz maybe I don’t know take a note out of Square Enix notes, and give us 10 or so days of free game time, because on Stormrage, this launch is amazing, and not in the epic good normal sort of way. Ijs.


I admit. Im impressed.

Thanks for this,

Just means I dont have to rush to 70. I can stream and enjoy the game and create content for my youtube channel at my own pace .

I just got all the dragon glyph. One of them, Thaldraszus Apex, took some effort to reach as it was very high.

we all have some kind of life… there is no reason to rush… and I want to clear the board this time. the only other time I cleared the board was in wotlk…and im going to also get all the achivements too got the addon and om going to use it … also have the dragonriding glyph addon so I know where all the glyphs and there paths… but I will get there when I get there… first season doesnt start until like dec18th…and even then its like the game is not going anywhere and the world is not endding in a month so … im just going to enjoy my self.

Honestly, I would like to just play the game. I have been disconnected pretty consistently since launch while my roommate has been able to play and level without an issue. (We use the same internet and are on the same server.) The inconsistency with game play and connectivity is aggravating. Please just take down the servers and fix the issues. I really would like to get to play the content first hand.

You cant fall behind. You play at your pace. Not everyone can just spend their life playing 24/7.

Except you can fall behind. Guilds want you ready/geared for week 1 of raidig. Otherwise they will find other tanks/heals etc and you wont have your spot.

Horrible expansion. Dragonflight is cool. other than that, i love dying to mobs every 5 mins in quests because they are so close together and hit too hard. Wanted to give this game a chance with the new expansion as i stopped playing a long time ago…should have trusted my gut and not played it again…just crap.

That all sounds fun, thank you for letting me know.