The best way to get Blizz to listen, is to unsub. Money is the only driver for them.
Please at least post that you don’t care about Arcane or aren’t going to buff them so we can direct some anger at that and feel better about ourselves!
Well, we are now at the bottom of the mage class…again
I’d say I can’t believe it, but I can.
9.0.5 is releasing next month, and there are zero tuning changes to Arcane. Nice to know Blizzard cares more about Torghast anima powers than actually tuning the specs.
Still waiting on them to actually fix the clearcasting visual on the PTR…
It would be nice if they at least posted if Arcane was getting changes or not. Let us know if this is another WoD-Demonology situation so I’d at least know if I’m wasting my time.
Hey now, they’re buffing Arcane Harmony barely. We’re saved!
Speaking of, I’m about to cap on Soul Ash. I got Bombardment to rank 4 and Harmony at rank 1. Might as well get Harmony up to 4. I should consider switching to it for a change of pace.
Admittedly, I don’t know if there are any rotational changes with Harmony, so that’s another reason I haven’t made the jump.
This is the silly part. I’d guess very few care about torghast, let alone their actual torghast powers.
Hey Blizzard!
Please buff arcane and make Slipstream baseline. you don’t even have to waste time coming up with a new talent to replace it–just have that row only have two talents. Hardly anybody plays arcane anyways!
Question, does blizzard actually look at this forum or do they look at the PTR forums mostly? I wonder if it would be more beneficial to have everyone start a similar large thread over there.
Probably neither to be honest. Or if they do they don’t really give much indication–especially class forums.
They don’t read anything! By all accounts the only time they actually see something outside of the period in between expansions when they actually try (emphasis on try) to work on class balance is when there is such a huge uproar in the community it actually makes the news and there are articles about it that their social media interns and press people read and tell them about it so they can mount a PR campaign and try to save face.
It’s exasperating how this has happened in every single expansion for the last 10+ years but especially since Legion. They spend virtually all of their time and resources designing these new systems and borrowed powers that hardly anyone in the player base actually cares about and they ruin any semblance of class balance in the process. To make it worse they often design themselves into a corner (see covenants) and there is nothing they can do other than to double down on them because they literally have nothing else to replace them with. And of course with every new expansion everything gets scrapped and the vicious cycle starts all over again. They take one step forward and five steps back… no wonder the game feels like it’s stuck in the 2000s.
In case it wasn’t already obvious I am so fed up with the expansion at this point I am just waiting for something, anything, new and remotely playable to come along and I will drop SL like the steaming pile of ogre dung it is. Maybe I will come back middle of next year when 9.2 comes out, unless of course it’s also recycled Maw content. Honestly, just… ugh!
I’m sure they look at neither.
Hundreds of pages of feedback in BFA beta were completely ignored on both the Beta and Class forums. Blizzard only posted once when they found out the new Mana Adept talent they were adding was so broken that it turned Arcane into a literal 1-button spec where the optimal rotation was to cast missiles and stand there doing nothing until mana regenerated. Then it was crickets for the rest of the expansion as all feedback continued to be ignored.
Now the same is happening for Shadowlands where even something as simple as feedback about the broken Clearcasting UI alert has been ignored since beta. Even the Arcane Barrage bug took months to fix.
I’m sure they will continue to ignore Arcane as long as only 1 large thread is up to serve as a “containment” thread for all the complaints. There would have to be a number of large, active threads up at once to get their attention, just like Frost.
No, they do not. The way they deal with it now is to watch streamers post vids and then say buff or nerf depending on them. It’s rarely a buff…
The real fun is when they are presented with all the logs that show the spec in the bottom 1/4 of all dps or often dead last but see that one parse where the stars aligned from some guy in a top guild and say “See, arcane’s fine, see you next expansion.”
The only way to get Blizz to listen, is to unsub. They only listen to their financial bottom line.
Too bad not enough people will unsubscribe and if they did–doubtful they would attribute it to one specific spec.
Honestly, instead of just letting specs whither and die–they should just remove specs from the game and be done with it.
I honestly believe if they were building WoW from the ground up, most pure dps classes would have only two specs instead of three. This way those specs would have stronger flavor and more options for talents and skills.
I made a wall post on the PTR forums and no responses as of yet. They’re being awfully quiet about us so far.
Personally, I don’t think the problem is the need to manage a resource. Its the fact that Evocation and mana gem used to be a bonus nobody has. Now nobody care about mana beside arcane.
Managing mana well on arcane is not a feel good mechanic, while managing energy or rage is satisfiying.
So didya unsub yet? Seems like you’ve been yammerin’ about it for weeks.
I also made a post on the PTR but it was to suggest Blizzard just delete this spec along with Survival Hunter and Demo lock because they all have historically sucked and they can’t/wont fix them.