Reminder: Buff Arcane

Well, the latest PTR build has been marked as a release candidate, which means we shouldn’t be expecting any more changes in this patch.

Let’s review what Arcane will be getting in this patch, shall we?

  • A buff to the Arcane Harmony legendary… This would be nice, except we don’t use barrage in the burn phase.
  • A band-aid fix for clearcasting RNG through a buff to the Venthyr covenant ability. Not a fan of being forced to switch covenants every patch. I have a bad feeling this will end up being a thing through the whole expansion. I especially don’t like how this fix wasn’t just applied to the spec itself!
  • Torghast anima powers

I’m sure I would be extremely disappointed if I was actually expecting anything.

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I think they deleted my suggestion thread in the PTR area to delete Arcane, Demo and Survival specs from the game.

So, you know–the monitor the section yet just don’t respond with any reasoning or communication. So we got that going for us…