Reminder: Buff Arcane

I play a good amount of arcane and you nailed it. I’m not sure why clear casting stacks need to fade away?having them ready when you need them seems like an easy fix at the moment

Watch their eventual “fix” be to turn ToTM into a random proc passive

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You mean, like it was originally?

Arcane Orb isn’t baseline, Arcane Power is actually weaker now because we got TotM (so I’d say it’s about the same), the “cleave” is a talent tied to TotM and isn’t all that great (like, c’mon, it’s a joke in comparison to ignite).


Yet another day with zero changes which address Arcane’s core issues.

The only changes we got on the PTR which focus on Arcane are:

  • A PVP talent nerf because of fire
  • A buff to a legendary which only affects a single spell which we only use during the conserve phase.
  • A band-aid buff to Venthyr to generate clearcasting, except it already behaved this way during beta and was nerfed to its current state after Blizzard deemed it overpowered, so it probably won’t last.

Is it too much to ask for changes to the spec itself rather than these changes to external, temporary systems? Pushing fixes to these systems fails to address the core issues with Arcane and just leaves us with a broken spec again once these systems are removed. Is their intention really for all Arcane mages to go Venthyr to fix the clearcasting RNG? What happened to all the “choice” Blizzard promised us? Just buff clearcasting’s proc rate!

These systems don’t even work sometimes! We still have a conduit which is completely non-functional if a PvP talent is taken. Why hasn’t that been fixed after months of being broken? How did something like that even make it through testing? I am convinced Arcane was completely untested by Blizzard. It would explain so much.


I really hate that Fire/Frost have 4 spec specific legendary powers, and Arcane got 3. 2 of which affect Arcane Barrage.

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If they bring in a leggo that increases CC chance by 100% I’m sold.

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Arcane had 4, but the made the Time Warp legendary usable by all specs at launch. But, yeah, Blizzard was not creative at all for Arcane legendaries.

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Personally I would much rather see some sort of buff to Arcane Blast. Reduced base cast time, make POM automatic with charges, something.

And just like that Arcane is dead last in normal mode and 4th from last in Heroic. Lower middle in mythic but the majority of the population who raid are normal/heroic. 3 expansions now with Arcane at the bottom/close to the bottom.

Another day of silence from Blizzard.

You know how they say a picture is worth 1000 words? Well all this silence from Blizzard is worth a million. It’s not so much what they’re saying, it’s what they’re not saying.

The silence says so much:

  • Feedback is not being considered or even read at all
  • They are unable or unwilling to address any of the spec’s issues
  • They don’t know how to fix it
  • The spec’s core gameplay is fun enough to not need changing.
  • The degenerate proc-fishing opener is perfectly fine.
  • They are fine with Arcane’s design completely falling apart in raid content.
  • They see no issue with Arcane being so dependent on the RNG of clearcasting’s low proc rate

And so much more…


I could live with it for one expansion if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s been this way for like 4 expansions.


I completely agree but that’s actually an understatement. They put zero effort into it. Literally picked the one most boring of the Arcane legendaries from Legion and applied it to ABarr because no more Mark of Aluneth. And then seemingly picked two random BfA azerite powers one of which had never seen any play at all but somehow they thought it was a good idea to bring it back (referring to the int increase after evocation)?

As for the other two specs getting 4 where Arcane only has 3, that’s because for whatever reason they didn’t give us the Arcane Orb lego whereas Fire got its Meteor one and Frost its Frozen Orb one. I would call it a glaring oversight but that would imply they actually spent any real time or put the effort in trying to make the spec work. Alas, all signs point to the contrary.

It really is incredibly frustrating.


They were so uncreative that I am shocked they actually baked in the mana return from Barrage instead of just cloning the kilt legendary from legion.

I genuinely couldn’t believe they gave us that baseline when I saw it datamined for the first time. Although of course they couldn’t even do that properly and gave it a much weaker effect reducing the mana back by half of what the kilt used to give. Meanwhile the other two mage spec (not to mention almost all other classes) not only got some of their top Legion legendaries as talents but also kept their artifact abilities. Hashtag balance. :roll_eyes:

If you want more proof that Blizzard is completely ignoring Arcane, just hop over to the PTR and watch in amazement as the Clearcasting visual still doesn’t update with the amount of stacks you have. Yes, Blizzard can’t even be bothered to re-implement existing UI assets from Legion.

This is something people have been complaining about since beta and it still isn’t fixed!

Blizzard must not be allowed to let Arcane rot in this state for the entire expansion. Continue complaining until they can no longer ignore us! :mega:


If it’s any consolation all I slapped a HUGE wall of text in the 9.0.5 PTR forum asking for some help, proposed changes, what works, what doesn’t work (I forgot legendaries.)

I’m trying to reference them to the mage forums and made note of special talent changes I really liked from ya’ll. But we keep pushing and pray they’re listening. They DID redo ele shammy stuff in 8.1 so maybe we’re in for a surprise?

They can’t just tell Ele to play a different spec because it’s their only ranged dps spec

I’m an optimist and hoping they take mercy on us and give a little bit of aloe with their bandaid!

Bump, Blizz wake up.