Reminder: Blizzard was explicitly against dual spec being in TBC

I boosted this character and bought a free mount. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Go back to Classic.

A compelling argument might. I’ve yet to see one against dual spec, but hypothetically it could be out there.

Also, if you’re so certain Blizzard is definitely never going to implement dual spec in TBC why make the thread?

so you’re proud you wasted money on a pay 2 win game?

okay then lol

I love this game! :blush:

you love a game that is pay 2 win?

I mean…anecdotal but I know people that have quit for basically that reason. That and the BG queue times being what they were, they felt their time and energy weren’t respected. Honestly I can see their point. This is the community feedback Blizzard asked for when they introduced TBCC. People want dual spec, some people don’t. Until Blizzard makes a post about it one way or the other now, this will never die down because it’s a reasonable change that people have been asking for >since< TBC.

except it introduces a massive can of worms and a huge pandora’s box that never ends. where do you stop? where do you draw the line? if we are going to do that why not add transmog to tbcc? guild perks? account bound mounts? account wide rep? the toy box? pet battles? inscription? archeology? heirlooms? pandaren? eventually the game turns back into retail lite just reset to tbc. if you give an inch people ask for a mile. the amount of people who came back for a close as possible tbc experience is not insignificant and blizzard then has to hope the retail crowd is bigger than the tbc classic crowd. that is a huge gamble.



That was the authentic experience. Yet here we are.

Anyone that quit because they had to pay 50g to respec for BGs and then 50g to respec back for 2 days of raiding was never going to last anyway. Tbcc is not for people like that. Classic iterations of the game are not for people like that. The game should not be changed for people like that… because those same people won’t be around in a few months EVEN WITH the changes made.


And we didn’t ask for that change either.


They removed /spit.

Guess we gotta add LFR now.

I love this game so much, I just wanna hug it! :hugs:

don’t forget to add subraces. except void elves. they can go in the trash.

Honestly, why not world quests? Does it really hurt TBC to add world quests? I mean they give gold, things to do. Everybody benefits.

Well, if they are adding lfr I guess they gotta add gold tokens then.

What if they did Goblins?

I mean why not, really? If you don’t want them, you don’t have to buy them. Gold is so inflated that it doesn’t mean anything anyway.

Exactly, and because gold is so inflated we might as well add garrisons, I mean they basically took place in outlands from tbc right? And since we are fighting the burning legion we should add artifact weapons too right?

I think they should add the Emerald Dream raid to TBC. They were developing it in Classic to either add as an endgame raid or a zone. It’s TBC now, so it’s well past when they believed they were going to add it (even though they never did until Legion). Who cares about the details though, they thought about adding it before TBC, so we might as well have it now. I mean, they thought about it. Isn’t that enough?

(though once sunwell is dead and buried long past its lifespan tbh I wouldn’t mind Vanilla+ or TBC+ content like this)

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