Reminder: Blizzard was explicitly against dual spec being in TBC

The original game didn’t sell boosts either but we have it here. In your own thread you mention other changes, but you can’t have it both ways. Either you are pro change, or anti change.

Btw: Blizzard working on Dual Spec as early as June of 2008

I’m pro-least-amount-of-changes-as-possible.

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5 months before wotlk launched, what expansion content were they working on?

Wotlk? Yep.

This means it was never developed with the intention of adding it to tbc.


You’ve said so multiple times and always we just tell you what Blizzard Entertainment (you know the guys who make this game?) has said…


Blizzard doesn’t make or break itself based on what Zipzo wants as much as Zipzo continually might think otherwise.


what is this logic rofl

Took them 10 months into TBC to implement Guild Banks.
Took them 5 months into WoTLK to implement Dual Spec.

You’re all over the place, son.

Well I mean…

I don’t want dual spec in TBCC.

Not only is it not currently in TBC, but they’ve made other changes both leading up to and during TBCC, without even a single word offered towards the potential for dual spec.

I gotta say I’m feeling quite confident at this point that Blizzard and I may potentially be aligned.

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You can probably stop posting in Dual Spec threads then.

I’ll stop when you stop <3

I don’t know why this thread, let alone this topic, is still going. The discussion is over. The TBC devs didn’t want to make it easier to respec your talents. That was a key design choice. It was purely intentional. There is no bug, there is no limited technology. There is no different circumstances or scenario that the devs of the time didn’t have to consider.

This is nothing more than entitled Retail players unable or unwilling to accept that TBC was fundamentally designed differently. They’re just used to the Retail design where choices mean nothing and you can switch from optimal spec to optimal spec to suit every circumstance at any time. That’s not how TBC worked. It’s as simple as that. You’re choosing to play TBC. This is deliberate design of TBC. That’s that.

Obviously I know ‘that’s that’ means nothing. The entitled crowd will never stop complaining. 17 years of being on the WoW forum has taught that lesson. And if God forbid Blizz did abandon their philosophy for TBCC and add dual spec, that very same day those very same players will be demanding tri-spec and unlimited spec changing and will only drive them to ask for even more changes. In other words…it accomplishes nothing and only sends the game tumbling further down the slippery slope.


The best part is when they say that it’s a fallacy to call it a slippery slope, but literally in the same post or the same day they will use “But they already changed XYZ” as an argument…

It’s like they can’t hear themselves…


Seriously? Sounds good. I’m not going to post another thing relating to Dual Spec from this moment on.

Until you do.

Which means you want it, right? Because you’re such a nuanced individual, when you say one thing you actually mean something else, right?

Just trying to go by what you’ve told me in the past. When you say you don’t want something I’m now going to assume you do want it.

yes…15 years ago. when they had a completely different dev team. now it’s a big question mark.

Why? Very curious if you have actual reasoning or if you think you’ve found a way to devolve back into spamming “#nochanges!”

Of course when he says he’s going to “stop” he really means he’s going to keep going.

That’s what he thinks “nuance” is. There’s no such thing as a contradiction, you see! Because it’s all about context and nuance!

Black is white.

Fish are trees.

Furniture is air.

See? It all makes sense because I’m full of nuance!

Go back to Classic.

Ask Blizzard, they’re the ones who haven’t put it in the game yet…after all, there’s really nothing I can say that would convince you to my side either way, and you know that.

Go back to retail

Well, that didn’t take long.

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Didn’t take long, did it?

EDIT: Ahh, beat me to it!

Well played, sir!