Oh no I could lose my forum privileges for an entire day!
Perfectly willing to take my licks for that comment.
Oh no I could lose my forum privileges for an entire day!
Perfectly willing to take my licks for that comment.
Well thats fine I guess. Its rude af though and not good for the forum community as a whole.
The person he’s posting at is plenty rude enough to deserve it lol
Kuma is pretty chill tbh. It doesn’t make him rude for disagreeing with you on dual spec though.
No, he’s legitimately rude, a vast majority the time. He never honestly engaged and just picks apart words in order to dismiss entire posts unjustly. His excuse is that it’s not worth his time or energy (mhm).
I’m glad you find him cool, considering you have the same opinion it’s not surprising, but the real challenge is actually treating those you disagree with, with a level of respect above condescension.
Well maybe you should look at the posts I’m replying too if you think my rudeness isn’t warranted. You get what you give sometimes
I like his sense of humor tbh. Most of his posts are light hearted, dual spec is the only real issue I’ve ever seen him push on and has been pretty respectful.
I’m just trying to be the change I want to see in the world. Many times ive been actioned for making comments like yours and would rather of had a warning instead. If you want to fight over things go ahead, but imo its not worth it.
You know the irony about the Seals change? If we waited for Wrath Classic…those seals wouldn’t even exist. First, they did make them available to both factions. But not that long into the expansion (specifically patch 3.2.0) they were removed. So knowing they’d almost certainly go with 3.3.5 class talents and spells…both those Seals were gone.
Another thing about the Seals change to TBC Classic is that it’s yet another example that Blizz won’t please…anyone. I would use it as an example that implementing changes doesn’t help anything, and only feeds the entitled players to demand more changes. Which is precisely what happened, often referencing changes like the Seals. Oh, by the way there’s daily threads about how the Alliance faction is completely dead and everyone plays Horde. I guess giving Allies Seal of Blood didn’t miraculously change the faction balance as many people claimed it would.
In any event, in the case of dual spec we absolutely have the devs of the time on record saying they don’t want to make it easier for players to respec their characters. So if Blizz really wants to honor the design philosophy of that era (and they say they do), obviously they can’t add dual spec. And the players whining for it…just wait a year. It’ll be there in Wrath. In an expansion it was designed and balanced for.
Okay, so we should decide right now if how Ghostcrawler feels or what he said is important.
Since in one post you say he wasn’t the lead developer (implying his feelings are irrelevant), and in another you use his words as a rebuttal.
He said he had mixed feelings about Dual Spec in 2017.
He said WE would not be balancing around Dual Spec in WoTLK.
Personal feelings on a blog =/= official Blizzard stance posted on the official forums.
Who cares? No dual spec just means less people playing both PvE and PvP, less people online, more raid loggers, and more dead and lonely guilds.
If that’s what people want, and make no mistake that’s what we have, then fine.
Enjoy your raid days.
I think it makes more sense to just go with what the original TBC did. No ambiguity there.
No dual spec.
Oh please. In Retail your choices mean nothing. Players can change specs anytime, anywhere. And Shadowlands has the lowest sub count since probably early Vanilla. Stop pretending conveniences like this make the game. They don’t.
Hmm, more dishonesty. If you really thought what he said wasn’t important you wouldn’t have repeated what was already debunked in another thread.
Seems to me you’re one of those people who believes if they tell a lie enough times, it’ll eventually be the truth. Luckily, Delimicus is there to set things right.
Go back to Classic.
It is significantly more punishing to change Covenants in Retail than it is to change specs in TBC Classic.
Categorically false. Tweets from the creator of warcraftlogs:
Fact checking on this forum could be a full-time job.
It is completely delusional to think that people who do not play the game because they have to respec to do BGs optimally would play the game if they could respec for free. Those people would still raid log, they don’t like the game enough to farm a small amount of gold in order to do the content in the first place. Assuming they would somehow contribute to any type of change in regard to population issues with specific content is absolutely insane.
Oh no I have to respec to do those bgs? Guess I just won’t play! Wtf? You expect this type of person to do more than one BG and not get bored or mad that they lost?
I notice you never ever give citations to anything you say. Ever.
Almost makes me suspect it’s all coming out of your orifice.
Coming from someone who uses the amount of upvotes a post gets on a forum that does not allow downvotes as empirical evidence, that means a lot.