Remember when every content creator said the new UI is AMAZING

I live here.

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I think it might be good to compare two different UIs, so one can mean what I say about the things I have against the new UI:

See what I mean about unit frames and the XP bar, and the menu buttons? Also the minimap.


It’s better than the garbage it replaced… It isn’t better than addon UI’s like ElvUI… All I had to do was update and queue.


Eh, in some ways, I preferred the previous stock UI.

I am not really a fan of “see through” or “borderless” UI elements because they are too easily lost amongst other stuff going on in the screen. Stuff like see-through/transparent gauges etc.

The original UI had borders around stuff so you could see it more easily.


The new UI is amazing, but it’s still not complete.

Many things are not moveable/resizable/customizable, and need to be.

(Examples : Inventory needs to be moveable, talent window needs to be resizable, action bars still buggy)

It feels 90% there, and when it’s 100%, this new ui system will be miles ahead of the old crap one we had.


sure did. I LOVE it.


Because bartender isn’t an entire UI. Even ElvUI isn’t an entire UI, it’s more of a skin with added functionality.


While I don’t think the new UI is bad, I’m not sure I’d brag about it either if I were the devs. You still can’t do something as simple as move the window in the game, You still need an addon to do that. The menu in greyscale, which is hopefully a bug and not scalable or movable as far as I can tell is silly also. As others have pointed out, some stuff can be resized but other stuff can’t. While this UI is much better than they old one, the old one is a pretty low bar. They just could have done better, and the fact that it’s taken them so many years to do even this bare minimum is crazy also.

So I’m back to getting addons again, so for me at least nothing has really changed unfortunately.


I do have the attention span to focus for 3 minutes to edit the UI, I have to because I have to do it every time I log in because the damn UI won’t save! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’m fine, no, really, I’m fine.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


we don’t agree, but that doesn’t invalidate your opinion, we’re just having different experiences of it.

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It’s a better baseline ui than before. It will replace a couple of my addons. If somebody prefers a set up they have created using addons then continue to use them. Nobody is stopping us from doing that. So it changes nothing for some and it changes plenty for others.


Nobody said they were.
Somebody compared the amount of accomplishment bartender4 can do in one night to fix blizzard’s problems, compared to what a AAA team, presumably educated in UI/UX and actually receiving compensation for their work, is capable of in n~ months.

It was me. I’m somebody who compared the quality of work.

It actually IS better if you don’t already use a UI mod.


I get that…mine bugs out at times and poops itself to no abilities. Not done that in group content.

Because if it does…as a healer…well the group should be ok as I got heal addon’s set up but if I’m dpsing…oh God…

Except they did
The new UI does look good, specifically since you can make it look however you want it to look

Good changes are good, or are you going to say next up that you miss the days of modem as well?

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It still has a few bugs but overall it seem alright.


Weird you would post this on a level 12 Paladin. Also weird that your account doesn’t have any feats of strengths for any kind of content…

You do realize this is shared amongst all your characters right?… right? Usually people hide their profiles if they want to pretend to have crazy achievements and want to troll.


Anyway sorry to come off as a butt initially. Been a long peak season doing 12-15h days and working 6 days a week is making me grouchy. Took a CBD gonna mellow out before I do it all again tomorrow morning xD

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common strategy to go off topic when the topic is a pretty strong point and you are really here just to hear yourself talk.

I don’t know what the complaint is. They took the old, outdated UI and… updated to the 21 century.

While I’m not a huge fan of the action bars, I love the new mini map and other icons. Looks great there.

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