Remember When Blizzard Said They Didn't Want People to Play Classic Just to Get Retail Cosmetics?

It’s not a change in philosophy, that original statement was regarding the possibility of people playing Classic to unlock things like the Silithid mount or getting the original Corrupted Ashbringer to unlock it for transmog on retail.

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Philshopical wise, plans do change, but i can see why how that disgusts you when they aren’t holy commited to their word.

On the other hand, i mean, haven’t they done this sort of thing before with promotional mounts from Hearthstone and Herostorm? To get you to try them, and be rewarded with a mount? Wrath isn’t really any different. Especailly since the goal on how to achieve it is pretty dead… …ya–ya. get it? Because… Death Knights, and the zombies and all that. …simple.


Gonna run this into the ground, aintcha OP?

Blizzard added a promo event for Wrath classic where if you complete the DK starting zone you get a free mount in retail.

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Don’t you need a character of at least 55 to even create a DK?

No. I had 0 classic characters. Made a DK. Did the zone, have the Mount.