Remember that time San'layn joined The Horde?

You certainly wouldn’t unless you played The Alliance war campaign.

Where they were also disposed of, right after being introduced.


It wasn’t right after being introduced. There were a few quests in between.

True, I had to get honored, or was it friendly? Before I could dispose of them.

Nonetheless a waste of San’layn.

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So weird you’re making this topic because I literally just saw a YouTube video that said the alliance took them out. I had no idea

I was surprised that there’s not a single mention of them on The Horde side story.

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Oh my God I completely forgot the San’layn were even a part of BfA, add one more thing to the list of wasted potential.

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They shouldn’t even be alive after ICC TBH. Good riddance.


Lol when doing that quest I thought oh neat!

What a waste of a potential AR

This should be a customization option for Blood Elves. They never explicitly claimed that all San’layn were wiped out, but just Dreven and his entourage.

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the only time you can see them working with the horde as a horde player is during the War Campaign quest where you get the two bodies from underwater out in the middle of the ocean.

Once you’re out at sea there’s actually a second horde ship a little ways off from where you start. If you go over to the ship at the start of the quest chain you can see the crew is pretty much entirely Sanlayn.

But yeah just another group to add to the list of random characters/stories blizz tried to force fit into the BfA “narrative”

They actually didn’t. If you played more of the war campaign, they had a conversation you spied on where they straight up said they were just gonna use the horde and nothing else,simply tools for their goals. Their nature is simply to use one and all to further their cause and then leave you behind, just like Sylvannas. They don’t have true “loyalty” except to those who can force power over them like the LK.

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They managed to murder a couple gnomes, but then I guess we had to get rid of them for some reason. :man_shrugging:

I still feel bad for that poor gnome they slaughtered in the Alliance quest line about them. That was brutal!

That was awesome. Made me sort of happy to do the alliance side. Hope we get more stuff like this lol.