Remember that time in TBC for Paladins

I just want dual weilding on my shaman :frowning:

Of all the class builds that need help… and yet do not complain its Enhance… Its easily the worst build in vanilla.

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I don’t disagree
In 2019 I played a fast 2h weapon ret specced I to spell power, which pissed tons of people off because I needed on all items that had spell power.

I was never top dps , but consistentlly top 6 to 8 as a ret in raids.

The cost to make ret work as a spelladin was just too high with the top tier consumables needed like shadows oil to name 1.

I did well in pvp too.

I refuse to play healer because that’s what people want and expect this go around the amount.of rejection and grief to play ret on classic is too much this go around, which is why I’m not playing it.

I like vanilla enh a lot more than paladin same if not better utility, and hits alot harder than ret

Remember when they went through the class homogenization because they changed the game narrative to “bring the player, not the class” mindset?

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the fact that they NERFED shadow oil to not work as it did in vanilla really annoys me because it was actually good outside of just paladin play also. It was also one of those things that gave Enhancement shaman some umph…

Lol the “hyper elitist” crowd are trying to parse MC next week on the temporary/seasonal anniversary realms.

Era now has players who aren’t hype-chasing phase progression.

You act like this isn’t prevalent across the whole of the game, lol.

That was only so alliance paladins weren’t unviable.

If anything your arguement could only be applied to priests with fear ward and devo plague being given to all races.

Paladins shouldn’t get new spells.
The only change I’d ever make is making SoC non dodgeable.

Adding exo to any target seems useless they have zero spell hit.
Adding crusader strike, where would you add it? A new talent? A trainer? Well it’s now classic+ where do we draw the line on additions?

remember when they gave paladin taunt a huge dps increase through a random glyph for taunt in wotlk so they were the best from start to finish
almost like aggrend is a hardcore paladin fanboy

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Crusader Strike was originally a Vanilla talent, they removed it on release. It was a stackable debuff that increased holy damage done to the target. They also used to have Holy Strike which was basically just a Paladin version of Heroic Strike with a CD.

If anything all you really need is a better mana upkeep and maybe make Judgement proc your seal. Same could be said on the Shaman side and make Totem’s count as an aura but they could really use a taunt, both do.

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But it isn’t in 1.13 or 1.14 which is the game client we’re based on.

Anything else changed becomes Classic+.

You’re dispelling your seal to judge it. Therefore it can’t proc it.

SoC proc is the big damage, even more so if you seal twist. It can miss if not capped but it can be dodged aswell making it very harsh with its limited PPM. Making it unable to be dodged by non player enemies is a simple solution.

I’d say it’s less than 100dps potentially. Greatly improves the leveling experience and adds a bit more viability to it.

I guess we’re on Classic+ then because neither was Dual Spec, etc, etc. Also true but I digress, something that procs SoC above just RNG is still good. Honestly Crusader Strike should of done it from the start. Would of been better synchronicity with the kit.

Dual spec doesn’t change how a class is played. It doesn’t add content by adding abilities.

Saying it makes things classic+ is a big stretch

The truest form of classic+ blizzard should ever do, is classic wow with tbc talent trees.

Spriest giving mana, rets with crusader strike, boomkins giving hit. Etc


Really? Because the entire argument so far for years now was that making any significant changes that were not in vanilla was Classic+. And if it’s subjective then who’s really the authority on defining what Classic+ is at this point beyond personal opinion.

Actually I really wish Blizzard -did- do that. It would of been way more interesting than… A year of this again. They should of just did classic progression with TBC changes and when the Dark Portal opens, open up the level cap to 70 with all the other features. But I don’t really see that being Classic+ unless they put in the effort the private servers did.

I think it should never get a level cap raise.

Instead make the mobs higher level, making the gear required.
Need more hit to hit targets, more defense to avoid hits.
Obviously not making the mobs 70 but just higher.

Otherwise, if hit remained the same caps. Gear would need to go hyper in power

By making mobs higher level, your melee crit is lowered aswell I believe. Giving mobs more resistances means spell pen becomes valuable.

I mean, maybe yeah.

But at that point honestly we should just be asking for an actual Classic+ with new leveling/questing hubs, quests, and reworked talent trees with a few necessary new abilities that have synchronicity with the reworked talents. And an Outland that doesn’t make all the old content no longer relevant.

SoD just feels like a overbloated experimental beta that’s lasted too long.

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I assumed that was what we swapped to talking about.

For classic+ to work
No content can become irrelevant. It has to be a journey of progression

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Hey! I understand you have a lack of reading comprehension so I’m going to spell it out very, very simply.

Devs make balance changes for the sake of game good game design in TBC

Devs can make same change in ann. classic

Both are minor changes

Hope this helps!