Remember my Teldrassil theory?

Queen of foresight.

I really don’t like the prospect of major Shadowlands powers (or, frankly, any at all) significantly influencing the mortal realms. For the greater good, I suppose.


Aman’thul who? Norgannon who? Velen who? It is Ba’al Samael of Turalyon Server who is the real Oracle of Quel’thalas!

But how else will the mortal races learn to not be dumb again?!


I don’t care. Teldrassil is the second least important city in the entire setting. If the Alliance is getting it back when we lost the most important city in the entire setting, we deserve the most important city back, too.

It was extremely cheesy that civilians could fend off the entire Horde, and yet here we are.


I don’t want Teldrassil to be brought back. Don’t CTRL-Z a big plot point. It trivializes it.

Yeah, the whole, you know, genocide a player race thing really sucked. But, let us move forward into cooler places, not back track and try to pretend it never happened.


Moving forward does not preclude mass rez imo

Especially not if their memories are kept of their pain and suffering

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  1. Get the souls out of the Maw.
  2. Kill Sylvanas.
  3. Move to Nordrassil.

That’s what I want. Don’t bring them back. Don’t bring Teldrassil back. It’s what’s possible against what’s satisfying. Like… What’s the message? “Genocide’s not that big a deal! There’s death magic to undo it!”

Meanwhile, the Sin’dorei are sitting there thinking, “Geez, would have been nice back when Arthas came knocking.”


I can’t imagine anything more insulting than just “lol rez!” to be the end result of the War of the Thorns and the Burning. We’d be reaching new levels of unimaginably lazy and manipulative writing.


The status quo for the past ten years from where I’m sitting

To be fair Sunwell was also restored the same xpac Belves were added.

Yeah a little bit. Wish fulfillment that doesn’t exist IRL. In my home country some fascist paramilitaries committed acts of genocide to my grandpa’s family and more than half the tribe, and exterminated other tribes.

Genocide can’t be undone in reality, but it can be undone in WoW. It’s a fantasy game after all, and we are starting an xpac centered on the realms of death.

So why not take advantage of that and let something happen in the game that those of us in reality aren’t able to experience?


You’re entitled to like what you like, but… Personally, it’s not a plot point I’d want to see explored.


I don’t think its possible for Teldrassil to be restored to what it was before. Reviving the tree will still leave everything that was on it destroyed, so it might still require resettlement and a new city.

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Yeah but what I mean is now there’s no battle haze nonsense if you assume it’s a sober resurrection so there should be no more Alliance troops accepting the rez and immediately slaughtering their former kin.


For sure, and that’ll help plot development :smiley:


That tweet is most likely nothing, but they said something similar back in 2018 (not letting me link, remove the space before the .net):

eurogamer .net/articles/2018-08-22-telling-world-of-warcrafts-story-is-challenging-because-its-spread-across-more-than-the-game-blizzard-says

Obviously if they are just going to regrow it it’s likely they didn’t see destroying it as a big deal and they don’t know what to do with that story line. That is why BfA is almost devoid of talking about it, but then people being upset about it has made them change course a lot especially after how badly the 8.1 scenario was received.


I think it would be better if the Night Elves were in fact revived, but move to Nordrassil instead.

I dont remember your Teldrassil theory, but I like mine better.

I still think Teldrassil is an evil old god sleeper agent. And its death will send it to the Shadowlands, where it will take root as the cursed Old God creation it is, and infect the forests of Ardenweald.

As if killing Teldrassil and sending it to the Shadowlands to infect it was the will of the Old Gods from the trees inception.

Maybe Teldrassil will be a raid boss or a world boss or something.

Trees can regrow is what he said.
Not resurrect magically and instantly to the state it was in before, and with it, the entire population of wildlife and structures and night elves that were on it.

Sounds like extrapolation to me.


But…they dont need Ardenweald to restore Teldrassil. Malfurion should already be able to do it him self. Fandral Staghelm grew Teldrassil, and he’s not as powerful as Malfurion.


They only need the Night Elves in Ardenweald to Portal back to Azeroth and move into Teldrassil.

Teldrassil can be healed yet the chunk missing out of it’s side will make the right side of the thing precarious and requiring a limit on how many people can walk on it until Malfurion can grow supports to keep the Right side from falling due to weight.

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You know, I usually expect some sort of… intricate… explanation from you. The simplicity of this, in contrast, gave me a chuckle.


We’ll see. Not the first time Blizzard has hinted (or even outright said) something that didn’t come to pass.

I do think anyone acting that this is hard confirmation (not that you are) is dumb.