didn’t read all of this tbh but if you knowingly chose the faction that was more popular and had longer que times you just gotta suck it up and deal with it.
You no longer have the advantage of having a full premade team to pugstomp and now will have to pvp on equal footing, you just gotta suck it up and deal with it
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Going to gloss over the double standards that’s okay, I am not the one getting upset and calling for reports just here to have fun. Yeah that thicker skin would come in handy for you sun shine.
I didnt gloss over it. If anything it emphasizes my point that its useless?
Okay, but its being shoved in the alliance’s face as if we complained about wPVP issues to force in game changes, therefor it is okay for horde to do the same with their HvH, premade ban, and now targeting of the AV queues. These are all issues within the PVP bubble that directly impact pvp players. No different than the absurd claim that horde queues are bad because the alliance don’t queue up. Alliance PVPers do queue. Alliance PVErs do not. The problem is the horde faction stacking, not alliance PVE players not queueing.
Anyway, i agree that both problems are caused by their band wagon faction stacking, but the impact is on a separate group of players. Phase 2 was PVE players complaining about PVP players. TBC BGs issues are horde PVPers complaining about their issues, and getting catered to at the expense of alliance players. at a minimum, nothing has been done to address the issues that alliance face
Alliance issues: “deal with it”
Horde issues: blizz fix within a week
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Something got lost in translation, 90% sure we’re saying the same thing.
Well now we don’t have to, hopefully this change doesn’t only last a week.
You know what adults do right?
They don’t get worked up over random people on the internet, then use ad hominem attacks after condemning others for them. Honey you got a lot to learn but I would start with the thicker skin 1st.
yeah, im just making the point that the way ‘they’ are wielding that argument is total BS. Virtually all of the major issues in PVP stem from their faction stacking. Even the AV queue is a symptom of that problem.
What about us horde on PVE? I never corpse camped anyone. Yet I’m in the same awful queues. In fact horde on my realm were minority for most of its life. It only recently grew to 50/50 with crusade.
wait, are you projecting onto me?
It is so weird that people project so hard on these forums. It’s almost in every single thread.
Agreed, I still blame meta culture in gaming.
Oh honey never change you are too fun.
Too many “remakes” of games have been ruined because of meta culture.
Yeah, i think its half that. Alliance racials are turning out to be very good, funny enough. i think there is also just a long time culture of PVPers playing horde that stems from the racials on retail. Since every man for himself got deleted, horde has been the faction to be on, so its sort of just their home.
That and the hype for WoTF from streamers and the ilk probably affected a lot of opinions.
I find it funny that the Horde, a faction once associated with Hard-core and Tough, the faction you knew were better at PvP. Is now the faction associated with being coddled, pampered, and spoiled. The faction that cannot handle it being tough and demands the game be changed to make things easier for them.
My, my, my how things have changed…
Kinda ironic the person telling others to get thick skin sends this kinda response to me calling a game P2W.
You were calling a game that hasn’t even released yet dead, telling someone to reevaluate their own perspective when saying something so incredibly moronic is normal.