sure it can
This isnt passionate debate. Its bullying.
its hilarious youre still crying about phase 2 when it was a server dependent problem. alli on alli majority servers werent complaining. horde on horde majority servers werent complaining.
The “people you knew that quit after being farmed to death in phase 2” sound like they chose the wrong server to play on for what they wanted out of the game. Pve servers that literally can not happen on. If they chose an alliance dominate server it wouldn’t have happened either. If they chose a lower populated realm in general, it again would be rather rare.
There is plenty of data to show that alliance just don’t want to pvp in the volume that horde does. Faction swapping isn’t close to a viable solution. Most players in general want to just que random bgs solo or with small groups and have a chance at winning.
I’m sorry there isn’t a competitive BG mode where we can have full premades battling it out. I personally would love that, full 10s WSG going for it so long as we don’t see roofing a flag and refusing to cap. full 15s for AB and EOTS going, again great time. I’m also all for 40 man premade AVs with random spawns. But for the casual player expecting them to que up for essentially seal clubbing is just so far gone from what they are going for.
im not mad about the normal queues.
didn’t read all of this tbh but if you knowingly chose the faction that was more popular and had longer que times you just gotta suck it up and deal with it.
The double standard would be alliance pointing out horde has long ques because they all pile into the same activity, horde gets bg ques fixed. Alliance will never see the AV que resolved while its worthwhile to be in AV.
But the AV queue issue is entirely caused by the discord. Once the discord dies because the queues are so long the issue will fix itself.
The bringing up of phase 2 is a total false equivalence either way. PVE players crying about getting camped in wpvp has nothing to do with faction issues inside of the PVP bubble.
You have dealt with a long queue for part of one day and already given up hope? Man you wouldn’t last a day as horde lol
And the horde queue issue is entirely caused by player created faction imbalance.
It’s only bullying if a forum moderator says so, this is the way of the forums ignoring anyone with a difference of opinion then casting them as a enemy. You must be new to the forums as a concept of the forums it’ here to find other to passionately debate and ignore any different opinions.
except that it’s two symptoms of the same problem.
Wow you’re a horrible person if you think that kind of directed attack against someone isnt bullying.
But no im not new to the forums, im just pointing out trying to debate with useless ad hominem makes you look like an idiot.
But youre quite right, leaving it to the mods is absolutely the way to do it, so i’ll toss in a report to see where we get on that.
i never thought id see the day a horde admitted this…
Verbal judo. Now let’s see if blizzard fixes alliance’s player created problem.
We all made choices going into this game. Some of those choices, like playing horde for PvP or alliance on PvP realms, came with consequences. In this case, Blizzard only wants to address one of those consequences, the one with an easy fix.
Omg you are too funny, honey gotta lighten up and have fun if you are concerned about what others say online I would strongly suggest growing a thicker skin.
PS calling someone a horrible person is an ad hominem attack but hey double standards.
How does informing you using ad hominem is useless mean I need to grow thick skin?
Also it would be a double standard if I actually was discussing anything with you. I’m not im just calling you a clown.
yep, game is dead, warmode is next, pvp servers are gone