first of all - not angry or dissapointed, just curious…
Why is it that NA gets classic released the 21st november at 2PM and EU gets it at 11PM?
Isnt it possible to kick back the release time for a few hours at least? So EU maybe can play at like 7PM? 8PM…? 11PM is kinda shiet, ngl.
Theres probably a perfect explaination to this… But please, if anyone knows, let me know…
because its a global release. 2pm PST is 11pm GMT
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Yeah thanks, i understand that.
But why is it at 2PM? Is there like an update that needs to be done at 1PM or what… You feel me. Cant they release the game at like 9AM?
Yep. for the US folks, other place use GMT and such time. If one joins the US military, you learn of zulu time.
No easy way to drop these.
the other side of the dateline tales of woe. Servers open 0700 Japan time. I’ll be driving to work then.
Here i’d say say make that 1100 release PST. I could alarm clock that to get my name in at least. I will just have a wow lunch 1130 my time later on lol.
True true, wow lunch sounds good… Thanks!
11PM just seems so frekkin bad and unplanned for the whole European community…?
You release fresh servers that a lot of people have been asking for, and the whole region of Europe gets the game at midnight in the middle of the week… Gotta be a good reason for it? Like something you cant change or move at all…
releases 8am here where I am
Historically Blizzard has always budgeted between 4-6 hours for patching/updating on content release days. Think of it this way. Most Blizz employees get to the office at 9am. 5 Hours later is 2pm. So most likely, thats how much time they budget to get things up and running day of.
Another explanation, is that 2pm PST is 5PM EST, which is when most US East cost players get off work and get home to play
Yeah okey thanks thats a good explaination!
I just can´t believe that 11PM for EU has been standard for all releases…
I was expecting different times eu has Its own servers
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And probably their own offices in EU.
11PM is such a crappy time, i cant get over it xD
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I want Hawaii’s release time – noon
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Im gonna gank you at 12PM
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8am is pretty comfy though. Celebrate another classic release with 8 hours of sleep, fresh morning coffee, bit of brekky, cat screaming at you to go outside. It’s also raining in Brisbane so there’s multiple comfort levels happening on release date
That’s a good point. You guys got it best. But the ping probably isn’t a worthy trade-off.
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South Africa and Indias release time is worse than EU i would say. But other then that… 11PM dude… wth… so weird…
If you have EU with different times, then either they are starting before, or after the other servers go up. That would bring it’s own set of arguments.