Release date?

After blizzard/activison latest news I’m concerned being that it’s due for a summer release I’m expecting to have release date shortly??

We get told nearly a year in advance for a current wow expansion.

My fear is that classic will be put off :frowning:


It’s actually being released tomorrow. Around 7pm just after dinner.


tomorrow 7 PM


The Europeans are already playing it btw.


is this a meme? lol

Thing is nobody knows how much of each department was laid off, but I seriously doubt it was anyone on the Classic team unless they were working on something that is already finished. Companies don’t typically lay off devs until the games almost finished, which Classic isn’t that far away, but it’d be awfully soon. To lay off anyone from the classic team while it’s in active development would be a very poor financial decision.

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Don’t get your hopes up, after all these lay-offs I doubt classic even has an update team anymore.

Even PGI announced a release date of September 10th and I’m stoked. Not only to play another MechWarrior title but that a handful of people in Vancuver showed up the “big boys” at Blizzard.

I have a very good source thats says release will be just after xmas on Dec 32nd.

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23rd November 2004


September 22 the last day of Summer

February 30th

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It’s going to be July 8.

I made that up in my head with no facts to back it up.
But I think it has a solid change of about 1% to be right.


Development has seen no layoffs, and is actually being expanded on.
Those cut were in positions related to producing (likely after the major production deal with Bungie ended), e-sports, and customer service.

Development of WoW Classic should be completely unaffected.

2019 ten characters

I feel like people are starting to ask this as a troll. If we had a release date that’s all you would see on the forums.


There has been no change to the announced “Summer 2019”. Bornakk, one of the Blizzard CMs who posts, confirmed that:

The layoffs were specifically stated to not be applying to dev teams. The WOW Classic team is pretty much all a dev team - no art, no CM. Lean and (not so) mean.


could be. That would still be Summer 2019…Southern Hemisphere Summer, which is going on right now, and Blizzard never specified which summer of 2109 (edit:2019…so I start start cardiac arrests)…

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That post is actually less specific than the date told to us at Blizzcon.

Blizzcon = “Summer 2019”
Bornakk = “2019”